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this is the first year i got into freshwater fishing and during the summer i had good luck on a pond with a crank bait, but now the weather is getting cooler and since then they havent been biting. the visibility in the pond is not all that great maybe a foot or a little more. i was just wondering what advise people had on what time to fish and what lures to use thanks.
Don't give up on the cranks. Spring and fall is when I use them the most. Theres no one bait for bass, you have to find out what they want that day. Dog days of summer can be a challege.
ok thanks and the pond is pretty rocky and not much grass and lilly pands to fish near. and also how far out and deep can i fish and with what
I would keep running them cranks off of those rocks. Try diffrent depths to see where the fish are. Bounce cranks off of the rocks or maybe a shallow runner. Don't be afraid to try something new. If you've got it in your box, throw it and see how it does. Good luck!
If you have rocks and hard bottom, try a beaver or crawdad texas rigged to change things up. You'er finding out that bass fishing can drive you nuts. [Wink]
don,t get stuck in a rut , there are carolina rigs , texas rigs all can be fished from shore,. try zoom green pumpkin, or red shad, as far as crankbaits go bomber bill dance citrus shad , make sure its bill dance the color combo is very good. GOOD FISHING
Don't forget about wacky rigging either.
o ya huh a have never tried the wacky rig and do u let the sit on bottom and bounce it or reel it in slow and with a weight or no weight. and also i been trying the top water frogs and i got the weedless scum frog...... i get some bites on it but can never hook them any advise on how to set it or when to set the hook? thank you guys
On a frog let the fish hook himself. Wait for three seconds till you set the hook. Alot of times they explode on the frog and not take it. Let it sit for a few more seconds till you move it again.
I always use wacky rig weightless. I've heard of some people putting weight on it, but most people prefer weedless. With wacky rig you wanna let the worm sink and jerk it up getting it to flap in the water. Fish tend to hit it most of the time on the downfall of the worm. I've caught more fish on wacky rig than any other rig. Sometimes if they're not hitting you should either change color, or start working the worm at a different depth in the water.
ok thanks and any advise on what frog to use? and i def gunna try the wacky rig thank you
I'm not much of a frog user. When I do use them occasionally I end up having the same problem as you stated earlier; setting the hook. Most of the people I've talked to seem to always have a tough time setting the hook on frog baits. Also its a must to use a heavy pound test or braid when fishing a frog. You'll need it when you actually do hook one and you need to pull the fish out of the thick stuff. As for which particular frog to use; I've heard a lot of good things about the scum frog. A lot of people I know use the SPRO Bronzeye Frog. I guess its whatever you prefer.
ya idk il just try different things thank you
I use the spro Frog. They are on e-bay cheap. [Image: !B,d4i7Q!Wk~%24(KGrHgoH-C4EjlLl0-E2BKrnQvhZZg~~_35.JPG]
Yeah, no problem. If you got any other questions you can just message me.

This is also my first year...and i have bascially the exact same question...but instead, I normally fish on a river for smallmouths. So would these tip and tricks also work in the river pretty well?

and to ryan772: sorry that i kinda intruded in this thread. again, i had a similar questions and thought that the tips would probably be the same so i didn't feel the need to start a new thread...
hey not a problem if i knew the answer to your question i would try to help but i have no idea good luck out there
Ponds are tough and you see a lot of posts where guys are looking for a lure to help. Since variables are so influential, its hard to make a statement as to what will work.

Ponds are tough. Fish are usually in the same spot all year, not like in a big lake where you might have grass flats, points, channels, etc... Lots of pond bass shut down early (feeding-wise). Pond bass don't have crayfish and an abundance of baitfish like big lake and river bass do. Those fish will usually pork up on frogs and snakes in the Summer months.