09-03-2009, 09:00 AM
<br /> I got out early Sunday morning and headed for a spot that I had not fished for some time. The honey holes in the other direction have been fairly good to me for months, but the fish moved and I haven&#39;t been able to find many there lately.<br /> I drifted with the wind heading towards a shallow hump near deep water. I caught one slick on the way, and dropped anchor in 10 FOW. I could reach 4 to 20 FOW from where I sat, so I pulled the back seat to the from and kicked back. It was a very nice morning, except for the steady 10 mph wind, but that was not much of a bother. AND I DID NOT SEE A JET-SKI UNTIL I WAS ALMOST BACK TO THE RAMP!<br /> Anyway, I picked up another slick (but 14&amp;quot;, getting better!), and sat there for a couple of hours dragging a c-rigged craw and chunkin&#39; various crankbaits around, kicked back and relaxing.<br /> Just when I was nearing a state of Zen, my craw got mushy. Grass? No, I threw into the channel. The 2 fish that I had caught had hit very softly, and felt mushy like grass. This one pulled back, too. Or was that state of Zen a nap and I&#39;m in the middle of a dream? I set the hook and she took off. She fought harder than most of the larger fish I have caught, so I immediately poop my pants. After running around the bottom for a drag-stripping couple of runs, she finally came up and jumped...OMG, that&#39;s a 6-pounder! She REALLY didn&#39;t want to come in. She made 4 or 5 more BIG digs with me holding on and the drag screaming. She tried to wrap me around the TM, the anchor rope, the big engine...had me hoppin&#39;. I just knew she was lost when I pulled her out from under the boat and missed her with the net. She had just enough in her for one more spurt, but didn&#39;t get far and I scooped her up. Not quite 6, but IMHO anything over 5 deserves to be famous. She hit the scales at 5-5.<br /> I caught another slick on a spook as I was heading back to the ramp, so this was my only keeper out of just 4 caught.<br />