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In the Dead of Night, Connecticut Lawmakers Double Pistol and Hunting License Fees!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Please contact Governor Jodi Rell today and respectfully urge her not to balance the state’s budget on the backs of law-abiding-gun owners and sportsmen!

After negotiating down to a more modest 25% fee increase for pistol licenses and hunting licenses during the regular legislative session, Democratic leaders met behind closed doors working out a deal to jack the fees back up to the 100% increase originally proposed. Legislators then rubber-stamped the hikes as part of the larger budget in votes taking place in the wee hours of this morning.

These increases will do little to raise revenue but will deal a crushing blow to law-abiding gun owners, hunters and sportsmen. People who wish to exercise their Constitutional right to self protection will now have to pay exorbitant fees to do so and those without the means to pay the price will lose the right altogether. In this ailing economy, hunters will choose to stay home at a time when the deer population is exploding in Connecticut. Prospective hunters and those with limited incomes won’t take to the field, thus contributing to the demise of a cherished past-time handed down from generation to generation.

Please call Governor Jodi Rell ® TODAY and respectfully urge her not to sign a bill making these fees a reality. Governor Rell can be reached by phone at 860-566-4840 or toll-free at 800-406-1527 or email [url ""][/url].

The Governor has claimed on many occasions to be a friend to gun owners, hunters and sportsmen but her actions tell a different story. These same 100% increases were introduced earlier in the year by the Governor herself. Respectfully tell Governor Rell that you oppose these outrageous fee hikes and she should as well.

Tom / Cindy Carrier