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Jumped the fence twice to fish the Owyhee recently just over the border in Oregon. The river actually took me off guard just wasn't expecting it to look like that. After spending nearly 3 hours tryin to find it because I had a defective map. Don't go looking for the old fishermans road is all I can say. I was on the water at 11 am and it got up to 90 by 4. Fishing was slow to say the least and then at 4 the PMD's came off it force. The fishing turned on. That river has some very large browns that are fairly educated. I got schooled at times and at times they got schooled. An enjoyable evening of fishing to say the least. Boy what a dry and desolate area that is. But then I have never seen as many onions on the road as I did there. My wife kept trying to get me to stop and pick any of the 100 that were on every bend. I have over 125 onions in my garden and she kept saying these are free though. Never understood that so I didn't stop.
#18 PMD's and PMD emergers were the ticket. I did swing some soft hackles early and picked up a few but none of any real size.
Thanks for the report. I would like to see a picture of the area. Got any pics of the river?

When I get into Walmart and get them on the disk I'll post a few- looks a lot like the narrows in a way- well the actual river part.
I was camping over there on the lake Labor Day weekend, I love it there. A friend and I went down to the river to fish for brown trout on Sunday evening. He caught 5 20+ inch browns and one really nice Rainbow that we had for breakfast the next morning (can't keep the Browns). I only caught a "little" 10-inch Brown but that's mostly user error, I just couldn't keep the big ones on the line for some reason. We were just below the dam near the day-use area. It's fun to catch those big guys on flies, but when those aren't working we usually have good luck fishing with lures in the deep pools. Here is a pic I found on Google...

[url ""][Image: 1767937.jpg][/url]

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