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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: dumb.gif]Anyone using one of these new [to me that is] filter water bottles? Understand that you can fill it with river water and it is good to drink.

[center][inline "Sport Berkey Water Filter Bottle 200.jpg"]
DR mi amigo.. another great topic.. Ive never used one and have read mixed reviews on them but I am very curious to see what people here have to say...

MacFly [cool]
I use that bottle all the time. Cant you tell ?
[url ";_ylu=X3oDMTBqMmtwczdzBHNlYwN4cGwEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAM-/SIG=13af3c5gd/EXP=1252189499/**http%3A//"][Image: 4bb2ccb9f45ac8a4][/url]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]Hey there Peter you look much better now that you had your teeth sharpened. lol[/size][/#008000][/font]
Thank you [Wink]
[center][font "Century Gothic"][#008000][size 3][Image: dumb.gif][font "Comic Sans MS"]Mixed review? So what are the negatives?[/font]
from what I have read/heard it basically boils down to how it filters.. chemical vs filtering levels ..

another thing was taste of the water after purification.. some said it tasted flat..

another was how long you had to wait until you could drink the water.. the higher end ones were as soon as it passed thru the filtration it was drinkable.. some you had to wait for the filtration to take affect..

I would guess .. but dont know for sure. but these are definately a product where you get what you pay for..

to me.. if I was thirsty enough and it was proven to filter the water to a drinkable level .. Id drink it..

as I said before.. I have never used one but I can see it being a good thing to have along if you were out on a long camping/hiking fishing trip.. mine are all day trips.. on and off the water in a few hours and usually on waters that have drinkable water readily available without having to filter it in a bottle..


another thing was taste of the water after purification.. some said it tasted flat..

Taste flat- Who cares !!! Its not like they are in five star
restaurant having a glass of French Alps spring water.

as I said before.. I have never used one but I can see it being a good thing to have along if you were out on a long camping/hiking fishing trip.. mine are all day trips.. on and off the water in a few hours and usually on waters that have drinkable water readily available without having to filter it in a bottle..

drinkable water readily available??? Hows that my friend?

I do have one. Have had it for years,...used it a couple of times.
One winter fishing the river, ICE COLD WATER was the best, but I could never get past the drinking from water that who knows what has been in there.
Plus here Mercury.....I just can't do it.
The water tasted great when I did use it.
[center][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: dumb.gif]So which brand did you buy? BTW I use to own a Mercury and never got sick driving it. LOL[/size][/#008000][/font]
I seriously don't remember, but I have a spare filter for it in the Gun Safe.....I need to dig that thing out again...then I can tell you what brand.
as for flat taste.. you are correct..its not a big deal.. if you are thirsty even flat water will quench the thirst..

as for readily available water.. the primary lakes I have fished are actually reservoirs .. they are set up as campgrounds/picnic areas... you can get water from the concession stands .. or soda.. or food.. LOL...

MacFly [cool]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]Well where I like to go fishing, the only water available is what I share with the fishies. I always bring some with me but since the ice in it only lasts for so long, it would be nice to have a cool one which a nice river can provide.[/size][/#008000][/font]
as you know I am not usually in a situation where I would need something like this.. like you I usually carry a couple of bottles of water etc with me.. usually in a small cooler .. it usually lasts me .. once I get back to my vehicle I have more to drink there.. uhmm usually an ice cold beer.. or two.. :-)

What I do is- freeze two or three bottles of water the
day before I go. That way I have cold water to drink
for the most of the day.
And YES, cold beer in the car for sure[Smile], maybe even
some food.
food.. well we all know that if you have beer.. you have to have some pretzels to go with it.. LOL..
