09-05-2009, 05:11 AM
went out to gov't wash for a couple of hours this morning. hoping to catch a few fish before the crowds started showing up for the long weekend. woke up a little late and didn't get out there til 7 am. only caught a small lmb and was out of there by 9 am. I've been fishing out there just about every other day for the last month if not more and since last friday all the lures i usually catch fish on they wont touch now. Last thursday i went out there around noon there were some small boils here and there and if could cast my lure within 7 to 10 feet of it i'd pull out a healthy 3 lbr. Later that day around sunset there was a big boil around hole 33 that lasted at least 15 min and i couldn't get a bite. After i changed lures a few times and 30 to 40 good casts i caught 1 striper that was maybe a pound if that on a 1/2 0z kastmaster. Since that night seems like all the stripers are real small and tough to catch. The shad they are feeding are real small barely bigger than a quarter. i've been throwing smaller spoons when the boils get close to shore and all i have caught is 3 real small lmb.although catching one 6 inch lmb is alot better than getting skunked but where'd the bigger stripers go.