I took one eyed jack and polokid out to fish for musky today. we went in there boat because looks like I wont have one for a bit. mostly trolled with firetiger j11 repala's and a perch grandma's. one eyed jack hooked a 39" in 15 feet of water just off browney point at about 5:15 or so. I hooked a 45" in 18 feet of water on the north side down by the dam. this one was one of the fatest musky that I've ever hook,he was about 40 to 45 lbs, he was fat. any way I'll let them tell you all about it and they have pics, we had a good time, It was fun for me to gret them up there and show them how to fish for them.I hope that they had a good time.
I will have pics to post in the morning.
Man , I wish I could of been there . Can't wait to see the pics .
Sounds like a great day fishing. Can't wait to see the pics!
Alright folks, here are the pics. And to add, it was a blast to meet moose and get out fishing with another BFT member. Here you go all.
First the one I caught and was to afraid to hold it to get my pic with (yes those teeth are scary as hell)
Second the one moose caught
the one moose caught going back home
and finaly polokid getting his pic taken with a monster
Good luck to Old Coot today on his search for the muskie.
Let me try again
Alright, well here is a link to where the pics are.
[url "http://groups.msn.com/BFTpics/bftpics.msnw?Page=Last"]http://groups.msn.com/BFTpics/bftpics.msnw?Page=Last[/url]
I nned to get my ISP web space setup... the one with 931 is moose's muskie and 923 is the one i hooked.
There are not enough adjectives to describe holding a 45 inch muskie and I didnt even catch it. WOW!!!! I would like to thank Nomoose for his knowledge and time on the lake, too bad I wasnt on the catching end, but just being around those monsters was enough for me!!! I hope to get back up there as soon as possible to try again for my moment of fame!!!! Great day on the lake, great fish, and great company!!! All the members of BFT I have encountered have all been great sportsman, people and conservationists. Keep it up and see ya on the lake!!!!
Great looking pictures! I've never fished for musky before but catching something that big looks like fun. Al
What seemed to be the best? The fire tiger colors have seemed to be working the best for me but I'm brand new to the muskie fishin. I'll be up there tonight if anyone is going look for me. I'll try to actually land one tonight. Lost 2 on monday but like I said I'm new.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Unbelievable! Great trip, great pics, great report and follow ups. WOW![/size][/font]
sounds like a great day out on the lake, i am going to have to get out and catch one soon, then i will have to hook up on the fly, that will be interesting. nice pics and some big fish.
I have had two hook ups on a fly but nothing lasted too long. Don't fish too much structure. I have found that even on an 8wt. fly rod they had me in the brush and willows with in what seemed like seconds.
ok tying to send pics on an attachment
dang moose 45 lbs thats a state record bro.
That is freakin amazing!!! I am so unbelievably jealous right now!! Great pics, great post. [cool]
well i can seee a boat makes a bit of difference. let me tell you guys i have fished for musky from shore up there for over two years now and have not even hooked one. feel lucky cuz it isnt as easy as it looks unless you are with the man like moose haha. great pics.
I thought the state angling record was 48 and the catch and release was 53 inches, but I shouldnt argue with a man that hold multi state catch and release records [cool]. I am definitely would like my name in the book at least once, even if it was to take your carp record!!! Well I hope to get into him again next time I get the opportunity to visit Pineview
yeah the catch and release is 53 but i thought he said around 45 lbs. that would have been a new weight record. way to go guys either way.
Nice fish guys . I soooooo jealous . The fish I saw taken last week looked that big but it was 44 inches and they told me 28 pounds . Got to get me one soon !!!!!!!!!!!