Sold the boat, tired of the maint. I want to get into tubing, I had a float tube years ago, but i am want to upgrade and I am trying to decide wether to go back to a float tube or one of the large pontoon type tubes. I've got about $1000 to deck the thing out with tube, waders, fish finder, ect. your expert opinions would be greatly appreciated. Were is the best place to look? Thanks in advance
WOW are you ever going to get bombarded with info. That the great thing about this board. Lots and lots of info. Im sorta new here and a new Pontooner. Have received a lot of help and advise my self. Great people here.
Its a personal preference really, Dont think you could drag TD's tube from his cold dead fingers (which we hope NEVER happens), I like being more out of the water but im subject to more wind than a tuber and a pontoon like mine is harder to control with fins only with only calves and feet in the water.
I would sudgest that you try them both out before you buy. There advantages and di

vantages to both. If your going to go with a tube, most would sudgest that you go with a "U" shaped like a Fish Cat 4 or something similiar. Easier and safer than a standard tube.
Im sure you will hear from TD, he and others will give you some great advise. Listen closeley!
Happy shopping!
A Flyfishing store with a large selection of tubes and toons would be where I would look. Some in large cities have try before you buy events or sometimes they will rent different models.
Hope this helps.
[quote designyourhome]Sold the boat, tired of the maint. I want to get into tubing, I had a float tube years ago, but i am want to upgrade and I am trying to decide wether to go back to a float tube or one of the large pontoon type tubes. I've got about $1000 to deck the thing out with tube, waders, fish finder, ect. your expert opinions would be greatly appreciated. Were is the best place to look? Thanks in advance[/quote]
[cool][#0000ff]There is no hard and fast answer. It is a personal thing, based upon a variety of factors...budget, physical size and strength, type of fishing, type of vehicle/transportation, etc. Ultimately it will boil down to simply what you like best...for your own reasons.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Here is a quick comparison list I made at one time that will at least highlight some of the considerations. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good luck.[/#0000ff]
Thanks, sounds like I have some homework to do
[quote designyourhome]Thanks, sounds like I have some homework to do[/quote]
[cool][#0000ff]Always best to know the subject well before plunking down your hard-earned bucks on something you may not be happy with. Good to at least know the options in order to make an informed decision.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]And, the study and learning process (R & D) is a fun part of the whole program...just like fishing. It would be boring to just stick a coin in the slot and out pops a tube.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Don't hesitate to pop back in with questions. They WILL come up. All of us on the board have been where you are now and we are sensitive to the questions you have and the steps you will be going through.[/#0000ff]
Thanks a ton, especially you tubedude, I would love a copy of your book, I am looking forward to making the commitments to a tube, I love vertical jigging, it was always so tough keeping the boat on top of the fish, thats why I love ice fishing so much, I also love my electroncs and have a blast playing with them to fish with. It will be a tough choice, but I am sure I will enjoy either one. thanks again to all. I will let you know what the final choice will be.
In addition to TD's very good list, there are some pontoons that are made to back pack and the weight difference are small.
The diameter of the toons is the wind resistance. I have toons that are 12" diameter so they really weren't effected by the wind anymore than a tube.
Hard call on saying wether a tube is faster with fins or a pontoon. The foot print of a toon is two long cylinders. Should cut through the water like skis, where float tube or a V is a bigger foot print with more resistance.
I have both and I do feel a Pontoon is less energy. Plus you have the rowing AND you can go in 3" of water...and yes I have done this on many occasions.[laugh]
A toon does require more as far as transporting and storing though.
Too bad the Navigator II by North Fork is no longer made....LOL
I stopped by Cabelas today, took a gander at the options for tubes and pontoons, "I am so

now" the sales guy showed me a fat cat 4 for less than $200 bucks, and there was another fat cat tube for about $450 that looked very well built and a bit bigger, As far as pontoons, they overwhelmed me because of the size and weight. I did like the one Cabelas has that is airless. Is the Fat Cat Serieis the way to go, there were other brands that were cheaper and looked similar. I have a bad back so I am concerned about lugging one of those pontoons, but I really like the fact your higher off the water and can put an elec motor on. What to do!!!!! Maybe I should have kept the boat!
If you will be using a motor, only the pontoons can be easily fitted and have high enough weight capacity. Except for some of the monstrous north fork products like flygoddess has. These would be an easy stepdown from a regular boat. Rig up some good flip up wheels and the weight carrying problem will be solved....
[quote designyourhome]I stopped by Cabelas today, took a gander at the options for tubes and pontoons, "I am so

now" the sales guy showed me a fat cat 4 for less than $200 bucks, and there was another fat cat tube for about $450 that looked very well built and a bit bigger, As far as pontoons, they overwhelmed me because of the size and weight. I did like the one Cabelas has that is airless. Is the Fat Cat Serieis the way to go, there were other brands that were cheaper and looked similar. I have a bad back so I am concerned about lugging one of those pontoons, but I really like the fact your higher off the water and can put an elec motor on. What to do!!!!! Maybe I should have kept the boat![/quote]
Quote: I have a bad back so I am concerned about lugging one of those pontoons, but I really like the fact your higher off the water and can put an elec motor on. What to do!!!!! Maybe I should have kept the boat!
I too have a bad back in fact I just had fusion in Feb. Way better but still hurts alot. My toon went from about 40 lbs to almost 60 with the motor/ anchor mount, diamond plate deck, and mods not including the anchor, battery and motor which is a additional 70 lbs combined. Almost too much to muscle too far by myself. So When im using the toon, I just make sure I can drive up to the launch.
I have decided to purchase a Fish Cat 4 for the places I want to go what would not be close enough to launch the Toon. That way I have the best of both worlds.
Once I'm set up both ways, there is no where I can't fish on the water, and I can have my own Family Flotillia!
I am going with Pontoon on this. Add a wheel and some even come with one.
Bad Back...I have broke my back three times, plus I ain't that young anymore. FOR ME the pontoon seat is much more comfortable than the inflateable or the Styro seats.
I love the idea of kicking, rowing or motoring. And it can fit in my Suzuki[

I have the BIG NFO pontoon that Pon mentioned and I also have an H3 and two Echo (small 4' pontoons) I never use the H3 or the Echo's anymore.
We fished Strawberry last Mon. at Renagade. We parked next to the store and I pulled my boat up the hill to the truck and carried my battery....If I can do that, anyone can.[crazy]
go with the pontoon. You can do more with it. [

] Get one with the plastic seat, you will be more comfortable. I have attached pics of my toon before and after pimping. Yes the weight does go up on it and I want to see what Pon is thinking of with the folding wheel arrangement. Also TD uses the FC and has added a plastic (PVC) chair to it and I will be doing the same for my wifes Fish Cat 4. Alot of the decision is up to you and how you like to fish. Take your time and do your homework. It will pay off in the long run. I was in your position earlier this summer when my wife (mamatrout) wanted a new tube. Hadn't been shopping for one in a while and I got lost. But I took my time and had her their to help choose what she wanted. Best of luck and let us know how you do!!!!
PADDED PLASTIC is the best[

] Seat that is.
NIce ride, I really like the looks of your toon, I appreciate all the advice and encouragement, I thought this would be and easy choice, I will push ahead and make a choice so I can get back on the water.
Thanks! I have made a couple of changes since the photos were taken and they are working great. Also working on some tubes as well. [cool] Enjoy your new tube or toon whichever you choose.[
