Fishing Forum

Full Version: Grandson to Lost Creek
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We got out on the water by 8:30, on a trip to let my 4-year old grandson catch a few fish. We did that plus a few. We trolled, which became difficult with the wind, but the fish bit for us pretty steadily. Caught cutts and bows, and took a few home to grandma.
"Flash" lures were working best, and most were caught long-lining mono. Only a couple caught off the downrigger, although most fish were suspended from 25 to 40 feet.
Had a great time, and got some good video of the boy hauling in his fish. He had a great time and hung in there for the entire 4 hours, and still wanted more!
[Image: bobwink.gif]
Sounds like good times for grandfather and grandson[Wink]. What day did you fish lost creek?
Monday, Labor Day