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Full Version: Federal judge says wolf hunts OK in Idaho, Montana
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Glad to hear, now the attempts of them keep trying to take them off will come more now the ever im sure... Be a waiting time to see how long this goes on for eh?
This is great news but the judge handed the eviro's a loop hole:
U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy said Wednesday that plans to kill about 20 percent of the two states' estimated 1,350 wolves would not cause long-term harm to the population.
But he adds that by carving Wyoming out of the recent decision to remove wolves from federal protection, the government appeared to violate the Endangered Species Act by making its decision based on political boundaries.
Molloy says that means environmentalists could ultimately prevail in their bid to restore endangered species protection for the animals.

I wish Wyoming would put together a reasonable management plan and get on board. If not it could shut us down again.
This is very true, I'm not sure what Wyoming is thinking or doing about this matter does anyone else??? I hope more get harvested, last number i read was just over 12k tags sold but i also been told by many that there buying the tags just to hold on to and say they have gotten one and no thoughts or plans on even hunting for a wolf. So i wonder just how many hunters are out there hunting for them?
Not sure, but I talked with 7 hunters this weekend. 1 grouse hunter, 2 elk hunters carrying wolf tags, 4 wolf hunters and me looking for anything that moves.[Smile]
Going out this weekend for bear. If a wolf is seen it will be taken.
[Wink]take a couple of em lol!!!!!!
Wyoming does have a decent management plan and every single renowned wolf biologist in the nation has determined that our plan is based off of sound science.

It is not our fault that our nation's politicians lack the political will to fight for our plan to treat these animals for what they are which is Predators.

I say kudos to my state of Wyoming for standing up and fighting for state's rights and the will of the people of my state. If that ends up getting wolves in Idaho and Montana once again I am sorry, but don't blame Wyoming, blame the Eco terrorists and our lack of balls politicians, who are beholden to special interests.

With that said good luck to all of you on a successful wolf hunt.
right on man. I dont know why the states cant govern the situation by them selves because of few tree huggers....

In my mind the 11k tags that were sold by the f&g shows what the ppl from the state of idaho want... thats who it should be left to not a group from new york, d. c. or wereever else these dipshits are from.

I think the reason they didnt let wyoming have there hunt i heard that they wanted to have like 400+ wolves in the state and the estimate was like 360 or something. just guessing on the number cant remember but they were close to the number that they wanted in the state.