09-11-2009, 09:35 PM
So I opted to head down to the Knolls today to try for some cats there. I got there at about 6:30am and was on the water just before the sunrise. There was a bit of wind blowing southwest that kept the surface a bit agitated. I started working my way south toward the rocky point. Things started off really slow, even though I could see the white bass breaking the surface in little boils every so often. None of them wanted anything I threw at them. The cat line was also quiet the whole way to the point. Then I had my first hit and first lost fish... I also caught my only white for the day... A huge 2.5" fish that must have had to work hard to get the lure in his mount.... I changed out and ran both poles for cats and over the next hour or so I was able to land a really nice and plump 26" cat that demonstrated that my net is too small... Next up was a nice 22" cat. One more at 12" that got sent back to grow up some first. I had a number of other missed hookups but then the wind picked up a fair amount and I took the toon into the shallows there and waited for it to die down. I was not looking forward to the paddle back against the wind. After a while the wind did die down and so did the fishing so I started heading back. I was off the water by about noon. All in all a fine day even if the wind and the fish were not in top form.
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