09-13-2009, 09:00 AM
<br /> I took Friday off for a long Labor Day weekend.<br /> FRIDAY - I fished all afternoon and caught 2 slicks. Dullsville. <br /> SATURDAY - My buddy Rick took me out at sunrise. We each caught one LM, both just under 15&amp;quot;. We also caught his rod that I booted into the drink. I went up on the front deck to un-hand my lure off a rock, and when I turned and stepped down into the boat, his rod went over. With cat-like reflexes, I twirled and jabbed my rod in under it. Rick stuck his rod out, and we combined to bring &#39;er back aboard. We pulled the boat out, and when I got to the truck with my gear I had no keys. &amp;quot;RIIIICK!&amp;quot;. Whew...he hadn&#39;t left. I traipse down and get my keys, load up my gear, and close the truck door. Of course, my keys were on the front seat, along with my phone and wallet. &amp;quot;RIIIIIIIIIIICK!&amp;quot;. Whew! Still there. I use his phone to call AAA, but have to try 5 times before they could hear me. OK, Rick&#39;s Lock and Key is on the way. I grab a rod and head down to the pier to waste 45 minutes. They came, I made it home. Could have been worse. Rick lost his favorite jerkbait in a tree. Ain&#39;t no fish up there, Rick!<br /> SUNDAY - Those cat-like reflexes mentioned above are not to be used except in cases of life or death. Now I remember, I&#39;m too old for that. I wrenched my back (which is not a good one, on a GOOD day) and a knee, and spent all day in bed on a heating pad. It rained, anyway.<br /> MONDAY - OK, 2 trips and I&#39;ve caught 3 fish. I hit it at sunrise, determined to find some fish that are actually feeding within 3/4-mile of the boat ramp. The sun&#39;s not quite up, and I&#39;m tossing a spook at the rip-rap on my troll from the ramp to the &amp;quot;honey&amp;quot; (more like &amp;quot;lemon&amp;quot;, lately) holes. No takers until I round the last point, and I hear what sounds like a toilet flushing and my spook disappeared. As soon as the line went taut it went slack and the spook bobbed back to the surface. Darn it! That was at least a keeper, maybe a decent 3#. Probably a spot, &#39;cause we all know that they&#39;re either blind or have bad aim. I ended up out on the humps, having caught only 2 on a c-rigged speed craw. I had skiers doing donuts around me, swamping my boat twice, and jet-skeeterin&#39; kids buzzing withing casting distance, so I had to go. Now, since I only have the 24v TM, I generally head against the wind on the way to a spot, then cruise back to the ramp WITH the wind. Well, the wind turned on me, and I was still at my &amp;quot;point of no return&amp;quot; with a steady 10-15 mph wind IN MY FACE, as well as having to fight the wave action that the bozos generated, so I didn&#39;t have a good feeling about my situation. I rarely turn the speed up past 1, but I found myself backing up. I cranked ol&#39; Betsy up to 2. Made headway for a minute, then had to go up to 3. I wasn&#39;t even close yet. Did I mention that running lights in the morning, a depthfinder/ GPS and a fishfinder all day, I had already gotten a low voltage alarm on the cranking battery and had to shut down the fishfinder. And, of course, if you NEVER crank the big engine, that battery does not charge. Do I have enough juice left to crank the big engine for the 2nd time in 2 years? WILL it crank even if I do? Is there ANY fuel left? It took a while, as I was drifting AWAY from the ramp, but yes, yes, and yes. I sputtered and clattered back to the ramp without an explosion or a fire, and barely had enough TM to get the boat on the trailer at speed 5. It could have been worse. One keeper, a mean 2-13, and one slick. 3 trips, 5 fish...a long weekend to forget...but I was out there!