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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]So what is your favorite weight rod? No real answer as it is all about preference. Perhaps it is not the most expensive rod that you own but it is the most fun.[/size][/#008000][/font]
I like them all for different applications, but my favorites are in the 5 weight and I probably use my boo and JWF the most.

Except still waters I fish are 6 weight all the way!
so far I only have 6 wt.. or 5/6 wts.. but I like them all.. but have to say my sage (so far) is the nicest feeling rod in the group.. I just have to make time to get out on the water and try out my mojo rod so see how that one feels being used ...

Hmmmmmm- I love my Sage Bass rod a lot for big stuff.
TFO 7wt when the wind picks up.
And of course TFO profesional 5wt for floating line and
St Crox 5wt for sinking line.
I guess I have a diff. rods for diff. stuff that I like .
Favorite ? I dont know, they are all my favorite.[Smile]
And you know what they say- One can never have a nuff

NO, BUT I AM GETTING THERE!!!!![laugh][laugh][laugh]

I like all mine for different specialties, that is why I have them, BUT, if I was in a hurry and had to grab just one would be my 8' 5 weight Boo....It can do anything!
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]The reason for the poll was based on my thinking what type of fishing do I find the most fun and which wt rod does it involve. I have caught steel-heads on a 6 wt that I didn't find as much fun as catching small wild browns & brookies on a 2 wt. Heck a fish ON[/size][/#008000][/font] [font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]any weight is fun but something has got to lead the list so mine would be the 2 wt. BTW my T&T 2 wt. is a better rod than my FF 3 wt.[/size][/#008000][/font]
now I see it a little clearer now.. :-).. but since I only have 6 wt rods that is all I can base my answer from...

but.. having used a 6 wt rod to catch multiple sunfish and small bass and trout in TN.. IOW the fish were over matched but most still put up a good fight.. but.. Id love to do the same thing with a light wt rod like a 2 or 3 wt rod.. then it would be a blast.. especially if I happen to hook into a larger fish like MacLarry did this past summer when he caught a decent size lmb that I would say was about 10" long and a pound or just under..

MacFly [cool]
Most of my flyfishing is for bigger fish in the ocean. My 10 and 11 weight are my prefference for the bigger stuff. In the freshwater, I like the 5 to 7 weight for fishing bigger Bass. [cool]
only fly shops and rod manufacturers have more rods than our sis FG.. [laugh]

since you are posting again does that mean you are in the area...??? if you are in the area how long will it last??

Ohhh. I just stopped by on my way to Alaska. I should be back in a couple of weeks.[cool]
[center][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]And you didn't invite any of your buddies![/size][/#008000][/font]
[inline "Smiley cry.gif"]
You are welcome to join me up there. I am bringing a 10 and 11wt with me for some of the Ding a "Lings".[cool]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]Well thanks Steve - but MacFly asked if he could go in my place. Oh that is if you are picking up the freight. LOL[/size][/#008000][/font]
ya know they name streets after guys like that .. ONE WAY.. !!! [laugh]

Im sure its tough on TN2 to be traveling all around the world.. fishing!!! [Wink]

MacFly [cool]
Ive mainly just used a 5 weight but i recently picked up and 6 weight ugly stik for carp and bass. Then last month I helped a buddy put a lift on his jeep and put a new motor in it. I basically did most of it because he had tore his bicep loose and is recovering from surgery. In his appreciation he built me a custom 3 weight. 7 foot im6 blank that is a black cherry color. I'm going to couple it with a dam quick 3 weight reel so I'm pretty excited to see how this works out. my reel should be here this week [cool] This might be my new favorite

[Image: 3wt001.jpg]
[Image: bbc6_12.jpg]
I am betting it will be your favorite. Is that reel "PINK"?[shocked]
DT line would be cool.
that looks like its gonna be an awesome rig... :-)...

MacFly [cool]
[quote flygoddess]I am betting it will be your favorite. Is that reel "PINK"?[shocked]
DT line would be cool.[/quote]
well its a manly pink lol
[quote macfly55]that looks like its gonna be an awesome rig... :-)...

MacFly [cool][/quote]
Thanks and i hope so
[laugh] .... manly pink.. not sure I ever heard of that..LOL...

MacFly [cool]