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Full Version: Deer Creek 9/13
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Got the row boat out on DC about 9am after talking with the ranger that pulled up to make sure we were "legal". lake was glass all morning, my buddy and I had a great paddle clear up into the river inlet area from the day use area just south of Charleston Bridge. Drifted bait over 15 to 25 feet of water about 10 to 12 feet down, no luck. paddled over to the next opening in the reeds, tossed cranks, spinners, even tried the bobber and worm nothing. his wife sent a text up saying how WINDY it was in SLC and they (the wives) were worried about us, and that did it. the W came on and the glass was gone, quickly turning into about 3 foot white caps and such, not good for a couple guys paddling a 14 foot boat. so we head back to the launch site and promptly after leaving the river inlet area get blown into the trees/reeds/foliage. Okay, we can handle this we just hug the treeline and use it as a wind break to paddle back right? WRONG wind puts us clean into the weeds and muck into about a foot of water, so we start to use paddles as poles and push through, well short of the long by noon we are out of the boat walking in a foot of water dragging it across the "flats" bustin brush to get us about 200 yards back to where we started.

So we load the boat up, wring out our socks and go fish the bridge. that was slightly better, the water is down to a trickle now and most of the holes I fish early in the year are high and dry, so we walk under the bridge and fish the river. we are fishin and this guy and his wife come down and set up camp ON TOP OF ME and start to litterally cast over my line and such, well his wife did not she was nice-er but this guy had a tattoo of a donkey on his forehead. so they kill that spot, after several casts back in his direction he gets the point, he was also casting a small spinner and i had well over 1/2 ounce of weight to handle the current i was drifting my bait through. he left when I dropped a cast between his feet.

total for the day was one 3 pound rainbow out of the river, no pics but i have a witness (for you nay sayers) that came on line about 3:30pm on a worm. plain worm. my buddy had 6 fish on BUT did not land any of them in true rookie form. he was using balls o fire salmon eggs with maybe 1/4 or 1/8 ounce worth of split shot 18 inches over his bait. nothing fancy. he had some real acrobatic fish on though, one hit his bait like a dry fly and shot a good 4 feet out of the water and continued jumping until he long line released it.

heres to going up next time, with a motor I hope.
Sounds like a tough trip but at least you caught one nice fish. A motor might have made the trip a little better but it is always tough at DC when the wind comes up. Good luck on your next trip. WH2
WH tough sure, but it was better than being home with the honey doo list!! [:p] the main reason was to actually try out the trailer to see how she handles, and make sure the boat has not developed any leaks being stored on the side of my shed. it had not so i am happy with the intel i got out of the trip. when we were out on the lake we didnt even mark a fish on the finder they must all still be in deeper water even though the highest temp I got was 63 I thought perch and bass would have moved up for that warmer water for sure, and hoped a walleye or two may be cruising the weed lines and such but i was flat wrong. either that or i dont know how to use my finder, but read that book so i think i was wrong. next time I will at least have my troll motor on it i think even though its only a 22 thrust pound, it will be better to to head out into the lake and if the W starts it will blow us right back to the launch that should make a better day out of it. like i said, intel, i have learned to head out into the lake and not canvass the flats unless i have more power onboard.