Fishing Forum

Full Version: drumking, riverpark, bass, 9/15/09, Bay Man
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I got a call from my friend (Bay Man on the forum) in the late morning and he asked me what I was doing. I wasn't doing nutting (sic), so he asked me to go to the Riverpark with him for 2 hours to fish for smallies. I jumped at the chance even though it was raining a little bit.<br /><br />We hit the dam area and had a little activity. I think that we landed 2 spots, 1 smallie, 1 goggle eye and 1 largemouth that was pushing 3 lbs. Mark also lost another largemouth that looked as big if not bigger than the 3 lber that I landed. Speaking of which, do you know how fast a rather large man can move when he sees a big bass and needs to get the net. I didn't know that Bay Man could move that quickly. emoPoke I lost another good spotted bass that we saw that came up at the boat and spit the lure back in my face. Ill mannered thing. emoBang I hung another very large fish that we had on for about 1 to 2 minutes. It took all the flex out of my little rod and started swimming off very slowly, pulling drag. It didn't get in a big hurry and I never could turn the fish. I thought - 'slimy catfish' - and it could have been, but when the lure finally pulled out of its mouth, there was no slime on the line at all. Could have been a massive drum, but I'm really not sure what kind of fish that it was. I even turned the boat around and was following the fish with my trolling motor and it still pulled loose.<br /><br />We fished current breaks with 1/16oz jigheads and tiny flukes. We fished from around 11:00 til just after 12:30. Almost 2 hours. That's our story and we are sticking to it. emoBigSmile emoGeezer