Fishing Forum

Full Version: BackOnTheWater, Chick, Bass, 09/20/09, 2jigs
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<br /> It was a lovely morning, too cloudy to see the sun rise. I called and woke 2jigs up and he took me to a secluded ramp to which I had never been. I had fished the area one time with Jiggy last year, and there were some features that interested me. There were no vehicles in the lot when we put in @ 7:30, and no vehicles when we pulled out at 1:30.<br /> Steve managed to snag a little yellow bass fairly early in the day, had what looked to be a 12-13" spot jump and spit his hook, and had a few bites but couldn't get a hook set. "No need", he said. "this ain't no tournament". I think they were rocks, but he insisted they were fish. I suggested that he tie on a hook, but he said that he had one on. I suggested one with a point on it.<br /> We fished a couple of humps and banks, but until about 12:30 we had no Black Bass in the boat. I kept the back end of the boat pointed towards the fish so Jiggy could catch the first one (just proper etiquitte, ya know).<br /> Then he started dancing or made a cast back there that knocked me off balance. He insists that he did nothing, and that I'm just a emoGeezer. Anyway, after twisting and trying to regain my balance for what seemed like 30 minutes, I managed to get my right leg pointed at the belly of the boat, but it didn't make it. Thank God my head bouncing off the console, spraining my left wrist (rod in hand), nearly pulling my right shoulder out of it's socket, and my ribcage catching the edge of the boat slowed me down, and the 20 lb. spare tire I carry around got caught between the boat and my tackle box kept me from taking a swim. My nose seemed about 4 inches from the water when I pulled myself back into the boat. A good net man would have had that net between my face and the water by then, but All I had was 2jigs emoLaugh emoLaugh emoLaugh .<br /> Oh, I almost got my revenge, though. I planted a 5/0 Gammy Skip-Gap into his frogg-togg hood, inches from his ear and neck. He was lucky...the contact snapped my 12 lb mono leader 1/4 inch from the hook. It would have been BURIED had he not had that that hood on his shoulders.<br /> Sooooooo...I finally got a 12" spot in the boat at the last hump as we headed to the ramp.<br /> We had a great time, so we're gonna do it again real soon!