Fishing Forum

Full Version: Bass and Crappie Fishing
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Hey everyone my name is Rob, im new to the forums and kind of to fishing, mean it is my hobby but i have been doing it for like 3 years. I mostly fish in the canals by my house here in Miami and i have caught Peacock Bass (pretty nice size ) and of course Crappie. Now i started fishing with Spinner Bait but just got one nip last Sat. The way that i ave always fished there has been with Bread (ok dont laugh, they do bite!) and with bare shinny hooks, thats how i have gotten Bass. Believe it or not they go for all types of all shinny fast moving things. So anyway, just wanted to know how i should reel in the SPinner Bait, like maybe it reel and pop it or just reel, or fast and slow, im not sure. I would appreciate the help [Wink]
There is a tactic called slow roll. That is where you slowly retrieve it in. You want to be reeling fast enough that the blades spin of course. Bounce it off the structure, pass closely to any structure that bass would hide in etc... and hold on tight![Wink]
I usually fish in canals from shore, so imma try to reel it in slowly now and see what i get, im also going to try a Jig now instead of the spinner, thanks for the help [Smile]