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Full Version: Shore access from Swan Falls to Celebration Park?
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I'm looking to go out for some catfish, and don't have access to a boat. Aside from one caught near the dam at Strike, I haven't had much luck there so I thought I would try around Swan Falls.

Are there any good spots for channel cats that have shore access that's not too far from a road? I hate carrying all my stuff long distances.
There is a road between the two but it has been gated off years ago. There are some decent holes between the dam and the gate that are right on the road. I usually fish just up from the gate or just past the gate at the large boulder. Don't ignore the water behind the dam as it has some easy access as well. I've never slay'd the cats at Swan Falls but usually get a few. Some people do really well there and on down to Celebration Park. Maybe they will chime in with so info. Good luck to ya!
Thanks for the advice. I decided to go out to the dam today just to check things out. I arrived about an hour before sunset and ended up fishing just upstream from the boat launch on the downstream side of the dam. I casted out roughly where the slack water from the boat launch area meets the current.

Got three channels, busted off a nice one due to a boneheaded move with the drag. One was just a little fella so I threw him back. Other two I'd guess are probably around 4-5 pounds so I kept them for a fish fry. All of them hit within an hour or two after the sun set. After that, nada. I think it got too cold.

Bites were split evenly between chicken livers and pieces of a pikeminnow I caught last time and was using for cut bait. Let me tell ya... If you hook it through the skin, that fish chunk is NEVER coming off the hook.

Not bad for my first time there. Definitely a shorter drive from Boise than CJ or Brownlee. If anyone has any tips, I'd appreciate it.
Nice job. You can usually catch some SMB at that boat ramp as well. I agree that squaw fish makes good cut bait for cats. Thats about all I used this year cuz I was short on sucker meat. I "spice" mine up a little which I think inproves the bite. Enjoy your fish fry!
I caught a huge sucker on my last trip to CJ. Any pointers on how to preserve it for cut bait, since it's getting a bit late in the year for catfish? Fillet it out? Freeze the whole thing?
Either way will be just fine. I usually freeze it whole though. I have a fridge/freezer just for bait so rooms not a problem for me. I pull them out about a week before I plan to go fishing and prep them. If you freeze just the fillets make sure you keep them air tight or they will freezer burn, vac pak or freeze in water.