for what its worth..we had a little rod and reel test comparison on the river last nite..there was alot of different fly rods and reels on the pole rack last nite and we all thought wed try out each others equipment..the reel sellections were hardy..abel..orvis battenkill..sage..and pluger..the rod selection..was sage launch.sage flite croix.temple fork..g..lomis and redington...the votes were unaminous..hardy and abel were a tie for the smothest reel..sage won hands down for feel..but the sage flight broke on a big croix was acctually the winner for best overal ballanced rod..not as much feel but the ballance was nice..thats my story add any comments you wish..
Hmmmmmmmm...... Thank you for sharing. Abel is not
a shoker, yes its a great reel BUT $ 800 for a reel is
just a little to much for most people. They make those
about 10 min. from my house. I need to stop by one
of this days and check it out.
But anyways, good to know.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]
$800 for a reel is more than I care to spend for storing my line. I do have an Orvis CFOlll reel that set me back $219 but I wanted something nice to compliment my Orvis Zero Gravity rod. Those two items should last me a life time and then some.
[/size][/#008000][/font][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]Hey Peter they might have some seconds that you could pick up at a reasonablee price since anyone spending 8 big one's would expect total perfection.[/size][/#008000][/font]
I agree on the Hardy and the Abel for being some VERY NICE , no....THE BEST in reels, and you all know I am not afraid to spend for great gear, but...I think in the TROUT game and I will go even farther and say Steelhead or Salmon game, I think the reels are more for the Angler. Come on they are beautiful! But they are just a place to store your line and many lesser reels have every bit as great a drag.
Now $500 to $800. for a reel...Not this kid, but a rod, you bet!
But again, most can't justify $300. on a rod. You get to a point where you WANT the best, CAN AFFORD the best...then go for it, you earned it!!!!
Is that HELIOS worth $, but that is the price of this growing supply and demand.
Hardy and Abel, never loose their value, in fact that will appreciate over time. Something that helps Justify.
As far as rods, not know what model of the other rods, but the SAGE are a fast action. Would be good for steelheading, but you got to make sure you match it with EQUAL flex in the other labels. Like maybe the TFO TiCr X?
for the most part the reel is unimportant..except maybee in the case of what were using it for...were fighting fish that can rip of alot of line quikly..drag is the most running the phluger but on the long runs it will bind a little bit..not always next reel will be the abel thats the smothest of them all in my offense to the english..
thats kinda odd the two guys with the abel reels said they paid 350.00 for them i didnt check what model they got
$350.00 ???
The Abel I seen is $600.00 plus $200.00 for "custom"
paint job.
But I tell you what, If you going after big
saltwater fish like
tuna or
sharks then Abel would
be a great reel to have.[

For trout or bluegill
WAY overkill.[

Like FG said, put your money in the rod first.
What about Tibor, Galvan
$350? They have one for about $380, but it is smaller. Not a steelhead reel for sure.
Average Abel is $450+. NEW
I say, if you can get one for $350. I would go for it.
Is it the standard arbor 3N?
you pay for know quality and the name... that is true with any item you buy for whatever reason..
I have a 6wt sage launch and would be willing to use it for most any "normal" species ... that rod at that time set me back 225.. with FG's help and suggestion and help I got into a deal on a reallynice reel and extra spools for it.. I have a 6 wt wf-f line for it.. a type II wetcell sinking line, a dt line that I may use for my shakespeare rod.. and just got a good deal on a rio grand 7wt line for my mojo rod.. the versatility of this reel is amazing...
as FG has said numerous times.. a reel stores the line.. get a good one that you can afford and works for you.. your money should be spent on the rod.. and the line..
MacFly [cool]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]
Spare the rod and spoil the fish. lol[/size][/#008000][/font]
LOL>. ... only you would come up with that one DR...
btw...forgot to say which reel I got.. its the orvis rocky mountain turbine.. its a great reel... I love the versatility of switching out the spools ..
MacFly [cool]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]
One can get two or three spools for what a reel will set you back. If you have a 4/5/6 reel you can load up the spools with 3 different wt lines. [/size][/#008000][/font]
im just going by the price they told me....yes it is a standard arbor..we were just a bunch of fisherman down there having fun and trying out each others rods and reels..kinda fun..there were no tibors or galvins to try..maybee next time we play the switch the rods game again there will be..they were all fast action the comparisons were pretty equal..
I think that it is a 6 wt reel.. but could be a 4/5/6.. either way I picked up like four spools when they had a sale on them.. thats why I have several different lines on different spools .. :-) ....
MacFly [cool]
Like I said, if you can get a Abel for $350. GO FOR IT!!!! I agree with Steelies you need a good drag. Orvis it would be more the Vortex, I would think. Like for Saltwater.
I am happy enough with my drag on the reels I have. After fishing Henry's they did get a workout. I was spooled several times. Luckly I was in a toon so I could turn and chase them for awhile before they snapped me off ....LOL
The spoiled me would KILL for a Trout or a Brown Abel and there was a time they were throwing in the fancy paint for like a month, but I am trout and although a good drag is important, I would rather buy that Winston.[

Rivers are a whole different ball game.
I don't fish steelie, salmon which I would love to change. The fact I don't I went with a Rivendell 12' 7 weight, Windcutter Multi tip spey, and a Martin Reel that is very cheap, but I think it will be okay.
I also have the Orvis Multi Tip line in an 8 wt. and a BIIx 9' and a TLS 10' 8 weight (not spey) and for them I have a BBS VI.
both me and my kid are using the buhlah spey rods down there right now..less exspensive and tough enough for kings..10.6 8 wt..hes still using the martin multiplyer and doing fine i still got the same plueger..been using it 5 years know still works good..most fly reels have a good enough drag to do the job...some are just a bit smother then a question..ive seen the ovis baten kills muti disk drag weird looking ..but the one i seen the guy bent 7 out of the the 10 contact points and only has had it a this common..
Got no idea. Things do happen.
I know the saltwater guys love the Vortex. A little heavier reel so it is great for balancing out the long sticks.
I read up on this a bit and Pflueger is right up there for a good reel.
I am not familiar with the Martin, but the price was right and it balances out great.
i have seen a few vortecs were im at ..not to many..most of them by a hale to ballance out the bigger rods...local reel maker from here..there not cheap 600 to 1000 per reel depending on arbor size..i think the equipment you have would work fine..nobody here runs more then a 9 wt..most are 7 and 8 wt rods..and i only run 8 pound dropper..there just real fast..large arbor spools do help to keep up with them and set your drag lose..can always palm the reel to slow em should try it sometime..lots of fun
Would LOVE to my friend
sorry for the delay busy..i dont know were you find them close to you but a long ways away..i dont know if they use the same equipment we do either..