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Full Version: Pasadena Fly Fishing Show
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[Image: happy.gif][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]Hi all you SoCal residents - lets all you BFTers hook up at next years Fly Fishing Show. Mark this date down in your calendar:
PaSadena Convention Center
March 13, 14 2010
Show Hours: Sat 9 - 5:30; Sun 9 - 4:30
Admission: Adult: $15 for one day,
$25 for two-day pass,
Children under 5 free, under 12: $2
Scouts under 16 in uniform: free
Uniformed Military: $10
Family Day Sunday:
two adults and one or more kids -$25[/size][/#008000][/font]

sounds like a date.. lol..

MacFly [cool]