Fishing Forum

Full Version: BBass, Chick, Spots, Crappie, Cat, 09/27/09, Brother and BBassJr
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<br /> What a GREAT morning! The rains we have had left behind some of Gods best work. The lake was gorgeous this morning and the fish bit pretty good for us. <br /> 74 Water Temp. <br /> Most fish caught on Bobby Garlands..Blue Shiner. <br /> Had several 13-13 1/2" Crappie. One right at 14" Caught a few Large-mouths, but no real size on a 10"power worm. BBassJr got his cat on a Silver Buddy. <br /> The Spots were biting while we were crappie fishing. 4 Lb test line and light rods made it a hoot for my brother. One of the best days I've had in awhile. (seeing others have fun!)<br /> Report is short because I'm abut to head out in the next few minutes to try the afternoon and evening bite. <br /> Here's a few pics.....<br />