I'm looking at getting a Outcast SFC here soon to replace a WW Grigg unit thats to small for me, and I would like to borrow some of your inspiring ideas for my PVC additions once it arrives.
I have a couple assembly questions with regards to your tube cart, and other PVC apparatus.
1. Do you use self tapping screws with clearance holes on the outside fittings and thread them into the inside pipe?
2. Is there a reason you don't use cement besides being able to disassemble sections?
3. What size PVC do you usually work with? I'm assuming it's schedule 40.
I just finished making a few rod holders for my Toon, and I used the clear PVC cement. It never even dawned on me to use metal hardware (I'm assuming stainless).
Head over to the Float Tube Fishing board. Lots of posts with pics on how to do this.
[quote high_n_dry]Pat,
I'm looking at getting a Outcast SFC here soon to replace a WW Grigg unit thats to small for me, and I would like to borrow some of your inspiring ideas for my PVC additions once it arrives.
I have a couple assembly questions with regards to your tube cart, and other PVC apparatus.
1. Do you use self tapping screws with clearance holes on the outside fittings and thread them into the inside pipe?
2. Is there a reason you don't use cement besides being able to disassemble sections?
3. What size PVC do you usually work with? I'm assuming it's schedule 40.
I just finished making a few rod holders for my Toon, and I used the clear PVC cement. It never even dawned on me to use metal hardware (I'm assuming stainless).
[cool][#0000ff]Don't know why the mods moved this...or didn't move it to the Float Tubing Board. They are kinda quick on the trigger sometimes.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]1. I use either 1/2" or 3/4" stainless machine screws to reinforce the PVC connections. I drill a small pilot hole first and then run the screw help keep the PVC connection from turning.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]2. I do use cement on many of my projects. But, since I am always experimenting with new ideas, it is less costly to use screws instead of cement if I have to modify or scrap an idea that needs improvement...or didn't work at all.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]3. Wherever I do not need the strength of 1" PVC, I use 1/2" Sch. 40. I use Sch. 40 1" PVC for weight bearing stuff, like the tube carts. For the rod tubes I use lightweight Sch 20 1" PVC. It has thinner walls and will hold most rod handles. If you use Sch 40 for the rod tubes you will have to use 1 1/4" to hold most rod handles.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Hope this helps. Feel free to contact me when you get your new tube and bring it over to my place for help in getting it set up. If nothing else, you can look at my contrivances close up to see exactly what you need to do on your own craft.[/#0000ff]
Thanks for the feedback. I'll probably take you up on your offer once I get the tube. May be a little bit as I'm getting caught up on the stuff I've spent on my toon first.
Are you still selling Minnows?
Are you still selling Minnows?
[cool][#0000ff]Yep. Good supply of all sizes. PM me for address and directions.[/#0000ff]
[quote TubeDude][quote high_n_dry]
[#0000ff]Don't know why the mods moved this...or didn't move it to the Float Tubing Board. They are kinda quick on the trigger sometimes.[/#0000ff]
LOL, it kind of reminds me of someone that use to do the same thing on these boards[
]. What I was wondering was why this member did not just send you a PM on the subject. Then I thought, I guess there are a lot of folks that could benefit from you knowledge on this subject. I read it while I was at work(I cannot log on there)and when I got home it had already been moved. I agree, the float tubing board would have been a better place for it but it's all good, just a matter of personal decision. Thanks for all you do Pat.
[cool][#0000ff]I seldom moved anything off the main board very quickly. My policy was to let a post stay a couple of days, to get some exposure to the general membership, and then move it if it OBVIOUSLY should have been somewhere else. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There are some newbies who are not completely familiar with the policies and procedures and who only want to get answers to personal questions. A gentle reminder is better than zapping them to obscurity before the original post cools on the board.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I recognize that there are no hard and fast policies that fit every subject. But, there are posts on the board right now that could have well have been moved long ago and have not been. And some that get moved quickly that are sufficiently about Utah fishing that they do not deserve to be moved. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]But, I gave up the power and prestige of being a moderator...and the big I will just try to be a good boy and not cause you any more grief.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]No harm no foul.[/#0000ff]