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Full Version: my first UT post!.... logan
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holy smokes my first utah post, finally! anywho hit the logan for a few hours, started at 3rd dam, and nadda. went to second and dam and nailed one rainbow right off the bat, then a few minutes later another one. both fish caught of two different flies. first fish came on an 18 copper, copper john, and the second on a 20 pheasant tail bead head. will post pics tomorrow. water was amazingly cold! small hatch when the sun was out, looked like BWO's but i dident stop to check, was to happy just being out. flipped rocks and found BWO larve, so i really should have been fishing that Barr emerger again.... anyway thinking of hitting the far far pper weber tomorrow afternoon.
that is so cool. I just got done tieing a mess of coppper johns and some prince nymphs. gonna hit the weeber and the provo next weekend. how has the weather been up there? just starting to cool down here in south. nv. cant wait to hit the rivers. thanks for the report.
Thanks for the post, glad you can fish in this state now. Hope to read more from you soon. I am sure it is good to be fishing these waters now instead of foreign mud holes. The weeb has been fishing ok for me the past few weeks. No big hatches but I saw quite a few PMDs coming off the other day. I always drag scuds or BH flashback pheasant tails through the deeper pools and rarely get skunked. If all else fails egg patterns or san juan worms will pick up a few feisty rainbows or other trout like and whitefish.
Good to hear you made it stateside and just at the perfect time. The fishing has been great !!!
fish pic added
Glad to see you back safe and sound. It doesn't appear that your fishing skills got too rusty. As soon as "Red Flag" is over I should be back on the river and hope to do half as well as you did in your Provo post.
Welcome back stateside! Nice rainbow. Great time of year to fish. Hopefully I'll get out Monday if the weather is OK.