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Full Version: Bear Lake Wildlife Refuge
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The poor management of this marsh has reached the point where the hunting will be very bad this year. Has anyone else noticed the poor management of this marsh? How does a person go about getting this changed?

This is our tax dollars working to help the wildlife in this area, and it is not being done properly. There are suppose to be 10 to 15 thousand ducks living on this marsh during the summer months. Also thousands of Geese. i went on it last week and saw two hundred. I have noticed over the past few years that the numbers are dropping. I feel it is to the lack of feed. It is non-existant anymore. The marsh manager has not been managing the water to grow the right feed for the ducks. We pay a lot of money to have this refuge, it could at least be run correctly.

If anyone agrees or know how to contact the right people to make a change please let me know.
they are changing things at the marsh from how they use to be, they have some pamplets at the information area right by the st. charles fish ladder, it was very vage but said they were trying to get a consistant water lvl wich would allow for better nesting. also said they were working on lowering the carp lvls. so i think plans are underway but dont know much more than that. also as wet as this spring was i dont know how well the hatch rates were. I am going over that way in the morning going to hunt around the paris and dingle area. i am hoping to see some birds. if i remember right they were goign to divert the bear river away from the swamp more than it is now or something. it was spring i read it so dont quote me by any means