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Full Version: Payette River Report - near Emmett
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Fished the Payette last evening near Emmett.
Fishing was very slow overall - fish were lethargic and had to work for strikes. Most productive was working Crayfish patterns in slack water/flats... I think the cold weather on Thursday and the incoming weekend cold front really slowed the bite down... but I did land one really nice smallie (19 inches) - which is my new record smallmouth for Idaho and my new record smallmouth on a fly rod. Caught her on a Crystal Bugger Fly and released her after taking this photo Smile

Tight Lines Smile
Beautiful fish!
Super nice smallie. Congrats. Bet that was fun on a fly rod.
Very nice looking fish. I have yet to catch a bass that big on a fly rod. My largest so far has been 14". I can always dream.
That is awesome. I caught a 21 1/2" largmouth in Condie on my fly rod before they drained it.

Welcome to the board.

I got off work last night (Fri@7pm) I seen someone fly fishing in the pool, right before it releases into the main downstream current. I was looking in my rear view mirror as I was driving away. I assume that was you, nice going. Beats my record out of that hole.
Wow, 19", nice.
Thanks for all the comments.

Yes, that was very likely my buddy Erik and I just below the dam around 7pm that day.

Sorry it has taken me some time to respond... fishing and other activities went on hold for a little bout with the flu.

Hoping to get out soon - after a few more days of rest.

Tight lines,