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The wife and I hit deercreek this morning. Target fish was walleye they didn't want to play. So we switched the gear and started getting into the trout. Water temp was 60 overcast and light breeze. Going to try it again in the am. Tight lines the trout were caught on jakes gold and rapala perch.
Tough fishing DC this time of year for Walleye. Sometimes you can get a couple off the ramp at Island Park, but most times they tend to move to deeper water. The steep cliffs below the hiway tend to hold a few. Usually they can be caught slow drifting a jig and worm in thirty to forty feet of water. Don't forget the chance at real big brown trout this time of year. They will be cruising at all different depths, but usually deeper than the bows.
I tried to target Walleyes too, caught one that was 6 inches so small I couldnt feel him while I was bouncing. Missed a couple that I know where eyes. Caught 4 small perch in the same area. Switched to a crank bait when the wind started to blow and landed one 16" rainbow on the way in.
Fished the island in 22-34 feet.

Hey Bob, are you back home now ?? I'm going to hit the beach on Oct-13 tue., want to go ?? let me know.
later chuck
Well, I brought my trailer home. I will be working at Fish Lake this week, but not sure about the next week yet. I drove down to LB yesterday and there were three guys in waders out there fishing where the parking area is. They must be catching a few eyes or they wouldn't be out in the wind and cold standing there.
I was just going for a drive to let my dog run and see if any chukars were around the back side of West Mt.
I will PM you when I find out what my schedule is.