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Full Version: W]the wonderful weber!
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went uo to coalville today, arrived around 1130 to a freaking blizzard! im loveing this crappy utah weather, it keeps everyone else inside! started flipping rocks to figure out what to use, turns out today it was a dark green copper john, 18, and a gray copper john dropper, 22. started off with a bang, a few minutes after getting my feet set in the current nailed 2 browns, sorry no pics today, thought i lost my camera, but it fell out of the waders in the mean machine, and im pissed i forgot it, will say why in a few. anyway i had someone come up to the bank and tell me i was crazy and that i looked like a snow man out in the river. so we chatted for a few, he went on his way i shook off the snow and moved up to Wanship. once i got there i parked along the highway frontage road and started walking down stream. i found two nice but very small holes on the opposite bank, so i waded across river and fished the bigger of the two first and caught one average sized brown. decided to move up river to the smaller hole and started working it and hooked into something huge! this fish took off down river so while fighting it i waded back to the opposite shore. once on shore i evened my self out with the fish and thats when he took off up river. we did this 4 times before i finally got her in. im guessing 6 pounds, around 25 inches, if not 6 definitely 5!! its times like these i curse myself for losing my camera (like i said earlier i found it behinde the drivers seat). i was so pumped up i couldent stop shaking and actually thought for about a second on keeping it, but i let her go. i ended the day on a good note in front of the old wooden bridge that looks like its going to fall to pieces any second with another beautiful weber brown, close to 18 inches. all in all a great day. copper johns all the way, saw a few fish rising but dident bother to check out what they were rising to, thinking about hitting it up again this coming weekend. seemed the higher up the river you went the more fish you caught. i would say hooked 15 landed 10 including my monster, which by the way is the largest brown i have ever caught period!
I was planning on hitting the river next weekend when I get back from Red Flag. Might not be worth doing. Every trout in the state will have a sore jaw!!!