peacock bass... those fish look to be awesome to catch.. and they are a beautiful fish...
MacFly [cool]
Yeah, peacock bass sounds so good. Very good looking
fish and full of fight. Also a good excuse to go to Amazon
River and do some fishing there. I know they have them
in Florida waters too but Amazon sounds better to me[

[url ";_ylu=X3oDMTBqY2pzbGhoBHBvcwMxMQRzZWMDc3IEdnRpZAM-/SIG=1jev1g2su/EXP=1254973061/**http%3A//"]
![[Image: c290989eaac2e146]](
Hey, is that a bone in your pocket or you just happy to ..............[

Ok, I'll shot up now.
Im sorry mi amigo I missed the poll at the top of your post.. I voted for the peacock bass..
MacFly [cool]
Yeah, me too. Peacock bass [

[center][inline belize.jpg][/center]
is that you DR?... :-)
MacFly [cool]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]
![[Image: sad.gif]](
Sorry to say that I have never fly fished for bonefish.[/size][/#008000][/font]
either one of the two would be a blast to go for... now.. all I have to do is win the lottery and we can all go to both.. :-)
MacFly [cool]
WELL, what you waiting for ??? Start buying lottery
tickets now !!
lol.. welll you could do the same thing... [

MacFly [cool]