[cool]I'm not sure if this news writer has all of his facts strait. I find it hard to believe that they'll have 6 million carp removed this fall and winter... Sure would be cool if that's true though...
[url "http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=8229984"]http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=8229984[/url]
I believe the 6 million figure the writer is referring is the poundage. Six million carp is quite a different number from six million pounds of carp. Still an impressive number, though.
[cool]Yeah, 6 million pounds of carp would still be good. Definitely. If they could do that, if the average carp weighs 6 pounds and they are estimating there to be 7.5 million carp in the lake, that would be almost 1/6th of the carp gone in a few months. That would be some decent progress... My question is, how do they do that when by late December there's at least 6 inches of ice on the lake?
Sounds good to me finally there is help arriving.
I have hope now that they may get better solutions in the future.
I have actually thought it would be OK to raise the price of fishing licenses to get rid of carp, you know, thought of it. Add little more money to them no problem for me.
But when I do go to Utah Lake next year I'm afraid of "carp spirits" haunting the lake. I heard stories of fishermen fishing the banks at night. They feel like there are carp sucking on their skin. I even have friends that are too scared to even fish at the lake, but only at night.
They removed carp all last winter through the ice. There were many on this board that saw them. They are cutting holes in the ice and pulling nets underneath.
I dont know where you got the 7.5 million figure from? I have heard there were more like 100,000 million carp there before this all started. By the way the state record catfish is just waiting for us. The guys netting have pulled several over 30 pounds.
[cool]Thanks for the heads up about netting carp under the ice. That was new to me. As for the 7.5 million figure, it's been repeated over and over again by the June Sucker recovery folks. I don't have any links on that at the moment (mostly because I'm too lazy to do a Google or bigfishtackle search) but I've seen that number presented or quoted on here and in articles several times the past year or two...
Well now I look like a dumb ace. [blush] You were right on the 7.5 million number. There are/were roughly 7.5 million adult carp.
[cool]No worries, man. It's just good to hear that they are really going to start puting a serious dent in the carp population this fall and winter! Imagine what that might start doing for the gamefish population there! Let's hope they get rid of at least half of the carp before they run out of funding for this...
Well, I guess we shouldn't worry about running out of money with Obamunism as our commander in chief. They'll just "print more" or raise taxes on the middle class. But, oh yeah, in his campaign he said he won't raise taxes on folks making less than $250,000 per year...YEAH RIGHT!! We'll see about that... We're gonna have to pay for his trillions of dollars in spending and his Obamacare somehow - just you wait...
So with spending all this money on removing all of these carp, are the june sucker going to keep them under control?[

I say put Tiger Muskies in Utah Lake and send them to school so they don't eat them Suckers
[quote Out4Trout][cool]Yeah, 6 million pounds of carp would still be good. Definitely. If they could do that, if the average carp weighs 6 pounds and they are estimating there to be 7.5 million carp in the lake, that would be almost 1/6th of the carp gone in a few months. That would be some decent progress... My question is, how do they do that when by late December there's at least 6 inches of ice on the lake?[/quote]
If you are curious just go look at the blanket of carp in the provo river in Nov-Dec. You could pull a million pounds out in a day no problem.
Statement from KSl.com
Most are being turned into compost or food for a Utah mink farm. State officials are looking at other proposals, including grinding them into fish meal or shipping them out of state for human consumption
I guess I will eat in state. never know what goes into those burgers--No Thanks!