I've got me a classic! Anybody know where I can find more info? I know I've asked before and I've made some headway but I'm still wanting more info so I know how much I should ask for it when I sell it, especially since it's a classic and the brand is no longer made.
Took at look at some of the fiberglass inside the boat underneath the floor covering and on the sides... cracks galore! Help?!?!
I would not be so much afraid of the cracks in the fiberglass I am about the frame inside the fiberglass dry rotting.
you can puck up form a meriana mesh and rosin and hardener to take care of the fiberglass problems.
the dry rot in side means cutting away at the floor and replacing sections of the frame with good woodthen seeming the floor section back.
do a good smoothing job and no one will be able to tell any works was done, Provided you can mach the paint or repaint the entier boat.
Hey Dave,
Thanks again for the great advice! The more I look at the boat, the less I want to put money into it. Maybe I can donate it to the local Technical College for a class project. Tax write-off! Hehe.
I don't know what I want to do with it. Sell it as a project boat? Donate it? No clue right now. I just want to get a decent boat that I don't have to fix up or have this one professionally fixed up... whatever cost less. I'm worried about how much a decent outboard is gonna be for it also considering it's got a steering wheel and a cable system.
Hey, does BigFishTackle need boat? Hehe.
I have done it before, not a fun job. not a fun job, or at least I did not care for it. .
you dont want to cut open the out side when you do the frame work, but you do want to disk sand a larger area than the pach area so allow for adheasion.
this is definatly a long prosess, and a lot of timed work when working with rosin and hardener.[

lets not forget the cost of tooling if you realy want to do it right and one day hope to reclaim some mony back when you resell. that is unless you already have the tools normaly asociated with a bump and paint shop. and a few power tool found in a carpentry shop bench grinder disk grinder ban saw to cut the bowed frame ribs to exact dementions matching the curves, (any deveation will cause weekness in the hull and can cause it to fail on you when pounding on the waves) you will want some special tooling that was not available when I did mine. a small 3-4 inch disk grinder to cut the inside fiberglass to get to the frame work. dont forget ear eye and air protection [

you could probably turst your local maco with the fiberglass work, but I dont know about trusting them with the frame work.[crazy]
if you have a tech. collage around you, you might be able to farm the boat out to them for a class project and pay for materials. It would help if you have a teacher or a studant in the class, posibly even take up a short corce your self. there is a colage here that has night classes when there is a demand for it.[

it sure would be an interesting class, covering body work, painting, detailing, costom work. throw in a small business cource you have a coreer[cool]
eather way it is probably the best way to go, and ya never know you may end up with another traid to fill slow industry periods. one that you can do around the house with a minimum of tooling. in a small garage or barn.[cool]
As for a motor you can bet ya you are going to spend a pretty penny for sure. new ones are astrinomical in price. a 10-15 horse will cost 1200-1500 new for a good one. you need a 40 horse power or biger, ouch. you may be able to find a used one or a couple non working modles for 500 to grand or two and rebuild them. requiring another class opertunity (small engine repair) note parts for this project can get expencive. being an angler your self I am sure you have had to deal with this in the past at least once or twice.[blush]
LOL. Actually, I've only been boat fishing twice in my life... both times from a leaky aluminum boat with a 3hp outboard on it. Both antiques. Hehe.
I should probably just sell the boat and get a new to me used boat with motor.
thats my kind of boat, [

I will take a picture of my pride and joy that seldom ever sees water and post it here for you.[

as soon as I can come up with some mega bucks I am going to put a couple down riggers on it.[cool]
them down riggers are in compitition with a float tube[

LOL. Sounds like a great day on the water. He did buy a little bilge pump for it last week.
How do I post pics of my boat so you can have an idea of what I'm dealing with?
take your picture and load it to your desk top.
then when you make your post you use the upload attachment brouser to load your pic in to your post. after it is loaded make your post. it will apear in the form of an attachment like the one on this post below.
you can then leave it at that or if you want to post it in your post then open the attachment right click on the picture then click copy then go back and edit your post by right clicking were you want the picture then click paist. you can make a new post using the same picture in the same manor.
Here's one picture of the boat.
More pictures can be seen here.
[url "http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/lost_in_tc"]http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/lost_in_tc[/url]
I went to a boat repair/refurbish place to see what they suggested and and estimate of how much it would cost if they did the work... they said to replace the floor could easily run into $2000.
*sigh* Oh well. Such is life. Thinkin' I'll sell it or donate it unless one of you guys on here wants to come do the work at a minimal cost!
that is a big ouch for sure, you can get a bote with a motor and a trailer for that price.
on the other hand if you have not spent much for it you can sell it to some one else who dosnt mind dong the work them selves.
the trailer if everyting is working is worth $250 easy. do the work to it your self you may may get paid for your labor. throw a moter on it and there is no reason you couldnt get 3500-4000 depending on what you spend to put on it. even if you put a used motor on it and rebuilt it your self should bring 2500-3000 easy.
that is a nice looking boat, looks like it would pull a skier or two.
Thanks Mr Clown,
Heh, I've been wanting to say that for a while now. [

So far the only money I've put into it is on the trailor. The boat and trailor were given to me. So far I've replaced the safety chains, a couple bolts, put new wiring and lights on it, and a

jack. So far, in parts, about $80. Still need to get a new tire for the trailor... got an empty rim and the one that's on there now is the spare for the utility trailor of the guy who gave it to me.
You should make a trip out here and give me an estimated value. Then you can let me play with your custom trolling rod. Hehe.
I would say about 500-800 fishbacks for some one looking for a good project that can turn a buck or two...[

] be sure to let them know every thing that is wrong with it that you know about, and you started to do it your self but lost intrest in the project.
be sure to keep it high and dry and protected from the eliments till you get it fixed or sold.[

It sure would be nice to come out that way, I have wanted to come that way to try out some of them ponds I hare great stries about fish there that aint never seen a hook before[cool]
unfortynatly I dont get out much, I try to walk out to the lake here beside the house every day my back isnt killing me...[

you would realy like that rod. it dose a nice job on them walleyes and 25 pound carp, cant wait to get out and try it on some salmon and sturgeon.
Hey Dave,
Wanna buy a project boat? I'm asking $800 OBO. [laugh][

Hehe. Too bad you can't make it out here. I'm sure you'd love Mille Lacs. Flagman could show you some great places to fish as well.
Wanna go fishing for Sturgeon? I hear that there's a couple guides on the Columbia River out west that are pretty good at locating them for you. I wonder how well your rod would hold up to them behemoths.
I got them sturgeon 40 miles from my house in the st clair river. the season is open but I cant go alone.
If I hook a monster I need some one to cut the line cause I aint going to let go of my new rod. there is no gard rail on the board walk where we fish for them.[blush]
one thing for sure is that sturgeon fishing is with out a doubt at least a two man job.[

I got my own project boat and trailer project. not as much work as yours though. my trailer I got abandoned on the road side. I have at least $120.oo invested in to the trailer. [ul] [li]2 quarts green rustolium to prnitrate and cover the rust[/li] [li]new lights[/li] [li]new wireing[/li] [li]two new tires and rims[/li] [li]boat wench[/li] [li]roler guide[/li][/ul]
Items still needed are [ul] [li]new spare tire and rim[/li] [li]trailer jack[/li] [li]2 new roler guides[/li] [li]buff and wax job[/li] [li]new wheel barings (always replace the barings with new ones just to be safe) at the vary least take them off and inspect clean and repack them with new grease[/li][/ul]
I have 20 hours labor vested on the trailer at this point in time. (I am slow these days)
I figure about another $120.oo in parts and another 20 hours in labor (my speed) and it will be compleated.
my boat I have put on [ul] [li]new seats [/li] [li]used 3 horse motor [/li] [li]used oars.[/li][/ul]
I plan on installing [ul] [li]a couple cheep down riggers. so I can fish 20-40 feet deep on the lake I live on. [/li][/ul]
when I am finished I am estimating the value of the setup to be about $900-$1200.oo (no leeks [cool])
I will get a picture of it posted in the next couple days.
any ways you can see why any boat trailer is worth $250.oo and once you have replaced/inspected all the hard weare from bow to stern you can just about double the value of the trailer in that the person who purcheses it wont have to do the labor or take it in and have it done.
here is a sure fire way for you to price your own boat.
look at what you have.
look at the cost of repairing it, (both parts and labor-what it would cost for some one else to fix it for you)[

look around to see what it would cost to replace it with something similar in good condition, size/capasody[

I estimated my set up using this same equation. I found that I can not replace a 12 foot rowboat with 2 swivel seats and oars and tralor and 5 horse motor for $1200. I looked high and low and there is nothing to be found for that price or less. maybe com winter a man might find one that some rich dood has gotten board of and did not use my give one away, but I aint holding my bait on that happening.[shocked]
I stoped by gander mountain today and boy did I get a surprize. I saw one of them new 4 stroke motors. a 5 house. made by brigs and stratan. it was marked down from $800 to $600. Man-Man did I have a hole wantin to burn in my pocket. If only I had two quarters to rub together. [blush]
It did look sharp with its Jet Black sheen, I have alway been a big fan of briggs and statan engions....[

Well, then I guess I've got me a boat worth about $1000. Although I did find a boat in somewhat better condition for $600. Problem with that one is the transom is cracked and according to the repair place that I talked to, that costs just about as much to replace as the entire floor.
Gonna hafta go look at that 5 hp outboard. My buddy's lookin' for a newer motor. Maybe even to trade for his antique one that we've been using.

][cool][size 1] Heres a number to Wadena outfitters , Its a local sport shop in my hometown , and they do have motors for sale , mostly under 15 hp ! Tell him Steve sent ya !!
Wadena Outfitters, 218-631-4570 , and ask for Gary.[/size]
I've got it written down but it's so far away!
Actually, I was gonna ask you, Steve, if you were gonna be around next weekend for fishing but it looks like you'll be busy lookin' for some bears. Go to Chicago, there's a whole group of them. Just make sure you bring back the cheerleaders. LOL. [angelic]
Oh well. Figured since I've got me a 4-day weekend before it gets busy at work, I'd check out some other places normally out of my reach. Of course, it does help that I just got my state property tax refund. [cool]