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Full Version: October Smallmouth
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Fished Saturday with Windriver for smallmouths below Massacre Rocks. It must have been too cold for the bass to be active. Windriver caught 1 and that was the only fish hooked.

Does anyone fish for SM during the fall? And what are the lowest air and water temp that you have had any luck?
Thanks for spending the day fishing with me despite the cooperation of the fish.

The air temp was around 28 degrees when when we started and only 48 when we quit 7 hours later. 21 man hours fishing and only one smallmouth to show for it. Slow fishing to say the least.

I think we hit a "perfect storm" of cold air temps, cold water temps, really heavy winds that stirred up the water into a muddy mess etc...

Next year remind me that bass don't like that cold of weather and we will go to Henrys instead.[cool]

You would not have liked Henry's this weekend. Friday the high temp was 16 degrees with 20mph winds. Saturday the high was 22 with winds from 10-20mph. The nights were around 10 degrees with 20-30 mph winds and snow. The State Park boat ramp is sluch ice about 6-10" thick as is the south east corner of the lake. The north west corner was frozen solid in the shallows. I did manage to catch 5 fish tho on Saturday. We left since there was more snow coming and they were forcasting single digits for Sunday night.

Might be a better to try some warm water species this time of year. At least the weather would be warmer where thses fish are found.