I'm new to fishing for steelhead and was wondering if anyone would give me some tips for catching some of the big guys? I was up there on Friday, but didn't have any luck.
what method are you currently using? a lot of times its all about where our fishing and if your where the fish are. many will drag brightly colored flies and a corkie or fresh roe and a spin and glow or bobbers with a jig set at a best guessed depth until you start seeing hook ups.
I was using fake roe and a corkie. I'm thinking I was using to much weight 'cause I was constantly losing my hollow core and having to re-rig my weights. I saw a few fish swimming where I was at but never got a strike. Alot of other people in the area weren't catching anything either that I saw. Maybe still to early? I was between Ebenezer and the bridge in a good hole with slack water and a good swift current.
I haven't did much fall steelhead fishing, but it seems like when I do, my competition always outfishes me. Here's some basic rules of thumb though: very small lures for steelhead (dime sized or smaller), and try to use as little weight as possible (just enought to touch the bottom a couple times per drift). If others are catching fish and you aren't, there's probly something you need to change.
If you were seeing fish than you were in the right spot. I vary weight until it just moves along the bottom. Ive been successful with 24 to 36 inches of leader and marabou flies or a green but skunk fly. white and pink seems to be my ticket most of the time. it all comes down to what is going to piss the fish off the most and entice a strike some times you have to throw everything at them but the kitchen sink. You could get some different color yarn and tie it just above your hook fray it easy to change and cheap for many colors.
Thanks alot for your ideas.....gives me something else to throw at 'em next time. Any ideas are very welcomed.
Great advise given by others, also remember the "color of the day" changes sometimes very quickly. If you're getting hits on one color in the AM and it stops change it up untill you, or another fisherman, start hitting them again. Even old time fisherman/woman can learn alot from our suroundings and fellow fisherman if you take the time to be observant... if the guy next to you is catching fish on dirt, you should use dirt[
[cool] Thanks Rock for the great advice.....every bit helps. I'm going to head up there again on monday to try out all the things you guys have been helping me with. Hopefully, I'll get to land my first steelie!!!
the most important thing is to be patient. alot of ppl spent a couple days and give up. but there are times they just wont hit even if you know they are there. everyone has gave great advise. just keep after it.
lol By no means am I giving up!!! I'm hooked for life and I haven't even caught a steelie yet! I'm jonesin' really bad to get back up there and hit 'em again. Can't happen soon enough!
[quote L_P_R]lol By no means am I giving up!!! I'm hooked for life and I haven't even caught a steelie yet! I'm jonesin' really bad to get back up there and hit 'em again. Can't happen soon enough![/quote]
wait till you see your first steelie break the surface you will feel like your 13 and you will be shaking standing there with your mouth wide open . then you will be officially hooked [cool] good luck and have a safe trip
By no means do I want to hijack this thread but what kind of fly line are you using? I have been told sinking line but this is also a very important detail. I would be very interested to know as well as do you weight your flies? Are you only fishing where you can see the fish in the Fall or are you just finding some good water and swinging it through?.
i use floating line and fish with a strike indicator and yes weighted flys are good i use split shot to get down in the deep deep runs but every fly fisherman should know the risk you run flipping split shot on a fly rod. ......... but i have to tell you most people just bottom bounce a fly on a spinning rod.
the simplest idea ..that you might not understand is you must put it right in front of them at there eye level..they dont chase baits they will not go out of there way to strike it..keep ajusting your weight untill your bait is just of bottom bumping it every so often and the strike will be very suttle like a bas sucking in a rubberworm..keep line tight and try to feel these suttle takes..they will suck it in and spit it back out..gotto hittem when they got it
[shocked] lol That might help a bit. I was kind of expecting a good solid strike. I might have had better luck knowing that. Thank you very much lurtch! Can't wait for Monday to get here now so I can try this again only better loaded for it now.
great info lurch it took me a few trips bottom bouncing to figure that out. now i check every bump weather its a rock or not they feel very similar.
Using a spinning rod I know bottom bouncing is the way to go. I just wondered with flies. How do you bottome bounce using a fly rod?
Be sure to check every little bounce when using a spinning rod because some times like mentioned before they feel like a rock then they spit. you can usually tell if if its a fish by putting some presure on your rod,. Great info and thread.
i never bottom bounce with a fly rod i just try to set the indicator so that my yarn egg or fly is right in there face.
For someone new to it, a fairly easy method is to try a bobber and jig. Dark purple/black or all black small Maribou jig; tipped with shrimp. Add split shot if the jig isn't sinking to its desired depth. Use a bobber stop above the bobber to limit whatever overall depth you need. Use a bright, easy to see bobber and drift each hole. Just wait for the bobber to disappear. I have 3 steelies smoking in the Big Chief as I speak...
Works for me.