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I know I have read alot about Current Creek. My son is going there next week with a group of boys. I would like to know what is there, what the regs. are and what to use so we know what to send with him to catch fish. Again thanks for any info it will be greatly appreciated.
Assuming you mean the reservoir. It has cutthroat and lots of them. No special regulations. From shore I have heard that a marshmallow and worm works well.
I have done well there with Mepps spinners ,Rapalas and spinners with flies.
I like to use the little jake spin'a'lures in gold with red dots. As for bait, worm and marshmallow work great.
The reservoir is loaded with Bear Lake cutthroat. The fishing is fast and easy right now. I would stick with your favorite spinners or jigs and concertrate on the flowing water at the major inflows. Don't forget to hit the creek below the dam for big browns. The tribs above the res also have lots of beautiful purestrain Colorado cutthroat.

Good Fishing, Kayote