Fishing Forum

Full Version: heath j, Chick, Whites, LM, 10/12, Kenny P
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It was a nice day to get out in a BOAT for once!!!! Yes, I said it Heath J went out in a BOAT...!! emoTongue emoThumbsup emoBigSmile I hit a buddy of mine up for a trip to the dam to try to catch some of those whites that I had seen making the shad fly across the river. I started out with a Yum white tube and he had a large white grub and we managed a few but the bite was not too quick so I picked up a double rigged white 1/8oz jigs I had used to try to catch some crappie the day before and that was the money shot!!! I caught a fish almost every cast and I doubled 4 times!!! One double was a hoot with a solid LM and slab white!! We had to of caught upwards of 40 whites and LM combined and I brought home 14 whites to help round out my winter fish supply in the freezer. The bite slowed as the light diminished but it was an awesome day on the water.