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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]Found this interesting response on another site where someone posed the question as to why one should spend several hundred dollars on a rod and a few hundred on a reel when a cheap system will catch fish too.[/size][/#008000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]"The simple answer would be: Which would you rather drive through the mountains-a Chevy Aveo or a Mini Cooper?
More seriously though high end gear is for those who can afford it. If it imposes no financial burden, buy it and enjoy and don't apologize.
If you can't justify the expense then buy what you can afford, use and enjoy it and don't apologize.
It's a simple equation."[/size][/#800000][/font]

You know, those post come all the time. The people that DO own the upper end high priced rods don't justify buying them as much as the ones that fish the Wally World specials justify theirs.

I am still a firm believer, you get what you pay for. The Higher Price rods are USA made, better hardware, not mass produced by factory workers that have no idea what they are.
Plus the TAPERS. Years of study, experimenting whatever for the right taper.

The Asians buy them and copy as close as they can and reduce the price.

YES, you can catch fish on a $29. rod...
My only answer is...there is a reason that Winston cost $600. + really!

Technology is the biggest price tag on them. That is why the new Helios is so much....nothing else like it.
Can't wait to check out the Hydros.
[Image: happy.gif][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]You have got that right. I feel fortunate that I don't have to shop Wally's*World for my fly fishing needs. Don't really need any more rods right now, but if I did would consider or at least look at a Winston product.

like most that have been there and done that I can see both sides of the coin.. all to often someone will see a friend etc fly fishing and say.. wow.. Id really like to do that.. and they are so anxious to get into they go in with both feet and not realize what they are getting into.. that is why I bought the wally world that I did.. to make sure this was for me.... as time went by and talking to others and handling other rods etc you come to appreciate the value of the middle to upper end rods.. meaning the value is in the workmanship.. and the quality of the upper end product... its once you realize this difference and you make the committment to the art of fly fishing that one can justify the cost of upper end rods and reel..

as an alternative the angler who is still working their way to that point but at the same time realize that the wally world is just not that adequate does have the option of the mid level rods being offered by a lot of manufacturers such as the sage launch... or their new bass and crappie series they are offering.. still the same quality that they are know for.. still the same research and trial and error as their higher end rods.. but affordable for the average user like me who would love to own the boos, and the glass, and the composites offered at a higher price but still have to live within their means..

tbh I envy anyone who can afford and use the higher end products.. but in most cases, as seen on this site and others, the ones that have the higher end equipment are the ones who have attained that upper level in the art of fly fishing.. and use and appreciate the the total value of the equipment that they are using..

Mac, nothing wrong with what you did. I agree, buy an inexpensive to find out if it is for you.
What I am talking about, is the ones that will say "My $29. Albright is as good as your $600. Winston"
That is the BS I am talking about.
I just don't like them to compare, because as I said, the Asian Co. steal the tapers and try to copy them.
You see the quality difference in the Wally and the Launch.

Should a GRAPHITE rod cost $700+. No, but that is the going rate.
oh I agree with you.. maybe I did not say it right..and thats not a surprise.. :-).. you are absolutely correct.. to say a wally world is as good as a winston is crazy.. they both are used to catch fish.. true.. but I can do that with a long thin stick.. some fishing line.. and a hook.. lol

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]I am certainly not looking down my nose at those who have to buy an economy system. Hey you spend what the budget will allow. Years ago after seeing some guys fly fishing, I said that is something I must learn how to do. While my father like to fly fish when not bait casting I never saw him in action. Sure sorry that I didn't go with him a couple of times instead of chasing skirts. lol Anyhow as I probably mentioned before I picked up a Fenwick Eagle Claw 8½' 6wt and an S&A 4/5/6 reel for $140. After 20 years both are still in excellent shape. I didn't give up spin fishing right away but finally got bored with it and have been dedicated to fly fishing ever since. If I was starting over again I would see if I could rent a fly rod for a few days to see whether or not I would like this method of fishing. If I did then I would probably spring for a mid price system. Heck a good rod should last a life time & then some.[/size][/#008000][/font]
oh I know that neither you or FG are looking down the nose at both understand my position.. but as I have said before... I bought the rod as something different to do and I had heard my brother in law was big time into FF'ing...

I played with the wally rod for a bit.. caught some small fish on it and had fun... but I still used spinning and bait rods off and on..

on a visit back to St Louis my bro in law pulled out one of his rods (and he could match FG on what he has accumulated over the years).. gave me a quick casting lesson.. handed me a box of poppers and said have fun.. after a while of goofing with the rod and poppers I watched as what turned out to be a decent sized bass caused a riff in the top water and then hit my popper hard.. the adrenaline rush was amazing... once I landed him I got a quick pick and let him go back home.. the very next day with the same rod and box of poppers I got a good sized gill hooked and landed... I was so excited I forgot the to take a picture.. the rod I was using was a winston.. and the feel of that rod in my hand felt like it was a part of my arm.. I knew I had to get a better rig..

since that time I have fished almost exclusively fly or at the least bubble fly.. depending of circumstances I may still use a bair or spinner but when I do all I can think about is what it would feel like on a fly rod..

also since that time I have upgraded to a sage rod.. an orvis reel.. several good lines.. plus I recently added my mojo rod to the group..

regretfully.. my circumstances have not allowed a lot of free weekends to hit the water... but that will change soon.. :-)..

I love the challenge of fly fishing .. especially with a good rod and reel in hand.. the thrill of that nibble or hit is undescribeable.. and when you land that fish.. the heart is racing.. the adrenaline is flowing.. and the Smile is huge..

last year I experienced a greater thrill of catching fish on flies I had created.. its amazing how just a little change with this sport causes one to reexperience that same thrill and rush..

I cant wait to get on the water again.. and I especially want to get that mojo rod rigged and break it in by catching some good fish... :-)

MacFly [cool]
this is what ive found to be true..a beginner will usually get the lower price we progress in the sport we learn what we like and dont like about the cheaper outfits and are more willing to spend the money on higher end models to get what we like and not what we dont like..they all work.but the more exspensive..are ussually designed to fit our needs a little 2 cents worth
i couldent agree more. when i want something very nice i have to save months for it.... i use my TLS like its going out of style....... i have a Helios on the way from germany finally, but why use it when my TLS works just as well.... like it was said it all boils down to the fact that you get what you pay for.
Two great choices. Do fish slow action? Got to try this boo at some point Koch.
I also have some other rods you might want to try..they are fun. Specially the Far and Fine.
the only time i have ever even held a bamboo rod was my grandpas old bamboo rod.... i held it for about 3 minutes, then thats it. id be willing to give it a try just to see what all the fuss is about, but as for right now (since i have never tried it) i have so much more to learn before i get into another aspect of it.
That is what so great about FF. It is a constant education.
Reading the Utah FF board, you got the entomology thing down (picking the right flies)