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I don't have a duck hunting boat, mine is orange colored,so like some of you I just hike out into the marsh and try to get in a good location where the birds are flying. I think my biggest problem is the birds spotting me. Some days I do real well especially early when there's not as much light. Other times I can tell the birds are seeing me too soon.
My question is how do you guys hide in the marsh, and does the max 4 camo make a big difference compared to just regular camo, or just a little difference? Also, how much of a difference to you think the decoys have as far as diverting the birds attention so they don't spot you as easily? Any advise would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
If your in the reeds take you out something to sit on.I don't know how many times a duck has snuck in on me and I was standing up. good shooting postion but usally the ducks can see you if you can see them.

I have noticed a spinner will take most of the attention off you and give you a little better chance if your out in the open.

If your in really short reeds kneel down in it and stay low most of the time.

I hunt out of a boat but use this to get to the spot, remember you have to be where the ducks are and most of the time it's not next to the reeds or high cover.

good luck out there.
I try to be away from other goups of decoys, dykes, roads, noticalbe paths is the weeds, etc. All of these the ducks see and will fly higher or the other way. I also use only a few (23) decs with a wide spread. I run them out to about 20 yards or further away from the beach. Then I sit in some brush or wate have ya back on the beach. I stay off the shore line with blinds. All of that looks un nateral and the ducks fly off. I also look around at other spots were the ducks are flyin more. If I can I move to that spot with little movement. I also try to get to a spot early as I can. If I am out thier before the ducks wake up ( like at 500 am) they have time to get used to the decs in the water and flock in. I also use a diffrent types of decs. Not just mallards. I use black ducks, pintails, teals, etc. I also try to get close to were mud ducks are. they are great for movement. Sometimes I get seagulls, cranes, and other type of birds at my decs that fly in for some time. I have learned that having live birds fly into your set up is a good thing. With live ducks near by (be it they may be mud ducks) are also a good thing. I have seen others with decs on jerk lines work with some good odds. I ahve not tryed it yet. In my spot I have a nice little hole behing some brush that makes a good spot. I can sit on my chair and move around jus a bit and be able to have a good day. If you have some beach decs that you can set up near the shore line that are in a feeding stance near some food. It helps.

In hiding. Stay as natural as you can. If in water. hind in the middle of a small group of cat tails above the water. on land. stay off the shore line about 10 feet or so. The bush I hang in is about 20 feet off shore. that puts ducks that fly into the decs at a perfect range to shoot. anything past them is to far. Try not to be near others. Utah has a good rep for having people who shoot at shy busters and make it hard to get a good close shot. 90 yard or more is a perfect distance for that.

I think good camo that matches your surrounding is real critical and specially your face! Ducks have real good eyes! if you move just alittle to grab your gun or move to get a better angle for the shot then its to late!! they have already spotted you! And ducks have got alot smarter! they have seen all those spinning wings now so they see them and take off the other way! I've changed from using them to the old school jerk cord and that trick still works cause everybody is to lazy to pull a cord so the ducks don't see that much! but as for dekes, sometimes alot works and sometimes a few work its just hit n miss there! but thats my .2 cents.....
[quote IceFanatic3]they have seen all those spinning wings now so they see them and take off the other way! I've changed from using them to the old school jerk cord and that trick still works cause everybody is to lazy to pull a cord so the ducks don't see that much![/quote]

I would agree with you this and if the ducks are flaring or sqirting the sides of the set up I take them out.But if your in short grass or reeds hunting pot holes I have still had them try to land on them at times,next to high reeds they dont react the same.
I think the hardest part to learn about duck hunting is to keep your head down. When they sneak in behind or just surprise you, it quite hard not to turn and look at them or look up at them. It doesnt take much light to make your face shine. I cant say how many times i have flared ducks just by looking up. You can be in the perfect hide, camoed perfectly, but a lil sun glint off your face can change that in about 1 second. Also on the spinners, I have found recently that a combo of a spinner and a jerk rig really makes a difference. It takes some practice. Calling and tryin to find your jerk cord, getting your gun, keeping your head down, but it really does payoff. And i have noticed that secondary calls are really where it is this year.
I have not had a spinner till this year have not even got it out of the box yet. Still in the back of the truck. Though my hunting buddys have one. I have not seen many fly off from it yet. I did have lots of good from a the jerk methond this past weekend.

Haveing your face coverded is a good idea with the right camo, along with the hole idea of the smell replers most deer hunters use. Since I am both a deer hunter and a duck hunter. I use the sent release for both applications. I use the dryer sheet thingy along with the shower gel shampoo and in the feild spray. see also [url ""][/url]. I dont think it really works with the duck all the well. But every thing is worth the time. For the most part I walk away with a good collection of ducks.
Thanks for all that information, I truly appreciate all of your feed back. Do most of you guys use an improved modified or full choke for the ducks? Maybe instead of a cord I'll catch a fish and use a line off my decoy for the stringer, that ought to give it some action depending on the size of the fish, maybe that's illegal though.
I use both a mod and an IC. Depends on what I am doing. I like useing a mod. If I have noting but long shot, I will through in a primos tight wad full. They do a wonderful job at the long shots of 50 yrds or more. If I am jumping ducks from ponds. I use a IC. Really depends on what the ducks are doing. Sunday I use my tight wad on everything I shot at. They were just not playin on sunday. ...

Take them all. you will see that it depends on what you are doing are were. .
I think its all personal preference. I shoot a Briley Extra Full most of the time. I get more 1 shoot kills with it. Tighter pattern out at some longer ranges. And even if they are a bit closer in, it does a wonderful job. But my huntin buddy uses a mod on pretty much everything except for goose shoots. He makes some pretty amazing shoots out past 50 yards.
But i also had my head in my arse when i bought my scatter gun. I got a 26" instead of a 28" and didnt even notice for weeks after. But you learn to shoot what ya have.
I have tried something new this year. Went to Walmart and bought the 12' x 5' camo sheet. Zip tied the ends to two 7' wood stakes (1" is good). Roll that up and it is failry easy to stick into a large decoy bag. Find some reeds for behind you and put up your sheet blind in front. Seems to work great and only cost about $20 for the whole thing.
Just to let you know if you shoot steel and you are shooting full choke,plan on buying a new barrel? steel will not compress like good old lead shot and when it doesnt give something has to and thats your some reaserch and you will see that modified is best for longer shots but most people are shooting IC becuase you get a better pattern. I miss the days when we could shot full choke and are reloads.
dress in checkered golf shirt and slacks and carry your shotgun in a golfclub bag. Ducks/geese have no idea what your intentions are and neither do the pro-shop staff or the policemen who come to investigate the reported gun shots. Don't forget to hide your waterfoul in the bottom of the golfbag as well. The only problem is you have to leave your retriever home so watch out for the water hazards. Golf cart makes a fine substitution for the lab though.