Fishing Forum

Full Version: Strawberry 10/15/09
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[font "Times New Roman"]We went to the Berry on Thursday and got on the water at 9 AM. We set out from Strawberry marina and headed across the bay to the east. We dropped a few crawdad traps and started out trolling south across strawberry Bay.[/font]

[font "Times New Roman"]We had two poles on riggers with Charlie’s at 45 feet and 35 feet, one pole long lined with a green tiger stripped Jakes, two poles with flasher and squid on riggers at 25 and 37 feet. We caught a bunch of cutts under the slot with the squid. The bigger fish were caught on the Charlie’s. We only caught one Rainbow.[/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]The water was 47 degrees when we got on. There is still a lot of algae but there was not too much sea weed. We only found the sea weed near Chicken East. We trolled the entire time through Strawberry bay, Chicken east, the narrows and the Meadows. We caught fish just about everywhere.[/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]The crawdads did not want to play. I think they are a bit cold now we only got a few in three pots.[/font]
Looks and sounds like a fun day on the water. Thanks for sharing.