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Full Version: all the junk on the weber
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went fishing on the blue ribbon section on the weber river. I was very disappointed on all the trash beer cans etc. It reminded me of that old commercial of the native indian rowing a canoe down one of the larger rivers surrounded by dirty polluting factorys and big citys at the end of the commercial a tear runs down his face that commercial hits HOME.
Its not just the Weber either. It only takes a few slobs to trash up a place. I can't remember the last creek or river I was on that didn't have some form of litter. Public water, private water, remote "hike-in water, you name it. Probably the last pure clean ones I fished were fly-out rivers in Alaska during the 80's, and a remote lake in Canada during the 90's. But none here in the lower 48!

This past spring, as the water rose quickly on Flaming Gorge to 15-year highs , the lake surface looked like a garbage dump from all the accumulated trash. If you really wanna get sick, go look at coastal waters of the US. Any of them. There isn't a clean stretch of shoreline anywhere I've seen in Florida, and many look like landfills.

Until we make progress on "larger" problems in this country (Like that's gonna happen!), all we as anglers can do is pick up the crap the dirty few leave behind. There's just no excuse, but you can't fight ingnorance. Stupid is as stupid does.

Do what I do. Carry a gallon-size ziploc or small trash bag when you can, and pick up a little. You won't get it all, but if we all grabbed a little trash here and there from our streams, we can at least make them look a little more appealing. When I float a river, I always have a bag or two full of others' crap because its easy to store in the boat or pontoon. Wading, I put a little in my back vest pocket.
Jim i will carry a bag with me next time and try to help with this problem and pass it on to my grandkids