Fishing Forum

Full Version: drumking, Tims Ford, crappie, 10/16/09, Bent Rod, Mallardecho, and Hal
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Hal and I could have picked a better day weather wise to go to Tims Ford and fish with Bill (Mallardecho) and Rick (Bentrod), but it is what it is. Fishing was slow, but quality crappie like I haven't seen in a very long time. We met Bill and Rick at Devil's step and Bill took Hal under his wing, and Rick took me under his wing and we proceeded to battle the very strong winds, drizzle, and cold. All of us together caught 14 keepers for Hal's fishfry next week, and 5 throwback sized crappie. We caught both Black and Black nosed crappie.<br /><br />I caught my biggest crappie this year, 12th TARP Black crappie that weighed 2.1 lbs, and just a shade over 15" but it wasn't the biggest fish of the day. Bill topped that fish with another beauty that was 2.3 lbs. Our 14 keepers weighed 20-21 lbs. The fish were deep on brush just off docks and we fished mainly with bg shads, slab slayers, and panfish assassins. I did a good job of locating the brush for Bentrod. emoBigSmile <br /><br />Our guides told us that we didn't get to fish the best places because the wind made it impossible to fish the other spots. It was whitecapping mostly. The fish were not chasing, but we had a great time. Next time that we come over, it will be a calm day. <br /><br />Bill and Rick have a standing invitation to come over and catch numbers of crappie with us anytime that they want. We won't promise the overall size that these Tims fish are, but we do catch pretty good crappie over here too. Thanks guys for having a couple of elderly gentlemen over for a fishing trip. emoBigSmile emoGeezer