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Full Version: Good day on the South Fork
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A couple of good friends took me to their secret spot on the South Fork, last Thursday, and the trip was memorable to say the least.
[Image: TheToad.jpg]
[Image: 091016084914.jpg]
Wow!! Looks like you had a great time. I need to get out in the rivers, been spending too much time in the lakes and chasing bass.

Biglew, Thats a nice fish. Did you catch it on a streamer? We need to plan a time to float the SF in the next couple of weeks.
[quote SteelFisher]Biglew, Thats a nice fish. Did you catch it on a streamer? We need to plan a time to float the SF in the next couple of weeks.[/quote]
That sounds good to me Kim. I have commitments for Wed. and Sat. of this week, but I'm pretty much free the rest of the time. Would you believe that I caught the brute on a size 14 scud? I wouldn't have believed it either.
I am limited to Saturdays so it looks like the 31st would be ok if that works for you. I can check with Windriver and see if he would like to join us.
[quote SteelFisher]I am limited to Saturdays so it looks like the 31st would be ok if that works for you. I can check with Windriver and see if he would like to join us.[/quote]
Looks like a good day for it, if the weather will cooperate. I'd like to meet Windriver. If I keep going out with you guys that are real fishermen, I might start getting the hang of it.[Wink] Let's plan on it.
May I ask which SF?
"THE" South Fork is the south fork of the Snake river below the PaliSades dam down to where the south fork and North Fork converge around Menan and Roberts.

[quote windriver]"THE" South Fork is the south fork of the Snake river below the PaliSades dam down to where the south fork and North Fork converge around Menan and Roberts.


So is it in Wyoming? And why is it referred to as "THE" SF?

Lew, We will plan on it. Windriver can you get away on the 31st?

No, it's in Idaho. And it's refered to as "The" SF by those in the know from this area. Sorta like people from other areas might refer to their local recreation spots as "The Hill", "The Beach", "The Deli" etc. For SE Idahoans it's "The SF (or South Fork)".
Not going to lye i was thinking a south fork steelhead report. a diffrent south fork.
Probably not going to be able to make it. I have a kids wrestling tournament and then Halloween. Good Luck if you get out.

[quote SteelFisher]Lew, We will plan on it. Windriver can you get away on the 31st?
I'm in. What kind of lines do you use? Streamer patterns? PM.
Everett tried to get us on some Snake while we were up there, but the Lake was treating us good.
Definitely got to get on some of those rivers.
You should really fish the SF this time of year. The flows right now are at 3000 CFS out of PaliSades which makes it a nice relaxing float on a toon. This will be the winter flow rate until spring. Fishing is good and the weather, well, pick a good day.
Thanks...might be the first of November though.
I'll be in Utar the 1st of nov and probably the 10th also, so you might have to wait till the middle or after FG.
That's okay...Jordanelle has been fishing great.