I've made some brush piles out of pvc pipe. they look somewhat like cedar trees. unfortunetly they act as a fish repellent. any ideas on non organic brush piles eugene
Use old christmas trees. Their free and should hold the bait fish better.
i've sunk about 50 cedar trees this fall, but after a time they tend to lay down and are not as effective. I want the structure to go from bottom to about 5 feet from the surface. I've been sinking brush in about twenty feet of water. I work at water district so I have lots of old pvc pipe at my dissposal. I start with two inch pvc base in a cross shape with ten feet legs. then i go up with a piece of two inch from the base about ten to fifteen feet. I then use a whole saw and some three quarter inch pvc for the branches. they look good and stand up in the water but I have yet to catch fish off of them. got any ideas to improve this.
I never done this be fore but maybe if you dress up the PVC trees they will become more attractive to fish? I would think if you went to a craft store and bought some cheap PVC greenery and drilled some holes in your PVC tree to stick the greenery into that may work. As long as you could make the greenery permanent on the tree anyway. Worth a shot i guess.
Let them sit in the water and get scummy and weedy.
Our club puts cribs with trees in them into a local lake and fish don't take to them right away either.
that's what i'm banking on, i put them where i think the crappie will stage before they move to the bank in the spring. Also , the bass should hang on them because they were sunk off of a point