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Full Version: Set that parking brake
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I spent Friday morning fishing the narrows at strawberry for Kokes. Didn't catch any kokes, caught a few cutthroat and rainbow and chubs. about 11:00 am I went back to renegade. As I got near the ramp there were a lot of people on the dock and in the water. There was what appeared to be a blue air mattress in the water with a couple of guys swimming around it. I thought that maybe someone had drowned, however as I got closer I realized it was the top of the cab of a small pickup.

I would guess that it ruined someone's day. Needless to say that when I backed my trailer into the water I made sure my emergency brake was on before I got out of the truck.

That would really suck. Hopefully they got it out ok.I'll bet they learned that they put parking brakes on for a reason.HAHA
This brought to mind an incident that happened to me at Yuba last year. It didn't happen at the boat ramp, but at our campsite. I pulled the boat up to our campsite, set the parking brake, but forgot to put my tranny in gear (I have a manual tranny in my Bronco). Before I realized it, the truck started rolling back, the trailer started to jack-knife and me frantically trying to get in and step on the brakes. Needless to say, I was able to avoid rolling over somebody or somebody's campsite. Now I make sure to put my Bronco in gear or my van in Park, set the parking brake on before turning off the engine when on the ramp or whenever I park my rig.

Safe and happy trailering,

I had a similiar bonehead incident at Rockcliff. We stopped to unload our gear I left the truck in drive on the sloped road past the "bridge" with the back towards the downgrade. after unloading decided to turn off the car. I reached in and turned it off while still in drive. I chased the car about fifteen feet before I was able to hop in and apply the brake. I learned my lesson!
Thats one of those time it only takes one time to learn. Doesn't make it any easier, but it only takes once. Al
I've never seen a vehicle go in the drink on a ramp but have heard a few stories. Keep in mind that vehicles with rear drum brakes (most trucks up until the last few years) the park brake is meant to stop the vehicle from rolling forward rather than backward. I'm not sure how the rear discs work yet as I haven't had to replace mine up to this point but they may actually use the same principle. I have backed up a heavy trailer with the brake still set but it's almost impossible to go forward with it on.
On a completely different tangent, I learned after the first day with my new transom tie downs versus the gunwale strap that one must remove both of the straps in order to coax the boat off the trailer. My first trip to Pineview and I almost was too embarrassed to finish launching the boat! Here's to the bonehead in all of us.
