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Went to Pineview Sat morning bright and early. Had two firsts. First time catching more than one musky in a day and first time catching one on a fly rod. Now that was a rush. I think I burned up the disk drag on my fly reel. I arrived at about 5:00 a.m. and left at 8:30. Water was quiet as can be for the first 2 hours. I was out of there as soon as the noise and crowds kicked up. Wondering who it was down by the damn at the first pull off on north side. I noticed a blue GMC with both BFT as well as a "HOOKED" stickers on the back window. I would have stopped and said hi but did an all nighter and hadn't been to sleep yet. I was afraid if I stopped I would never make home without falling asleep.

At work and too lazy to resize picture of the fat one from the morning but included it as an attachment. This thing went airborne over ten times. It's looks are deceiving in the picture because there isn't any reference but this boy had some size. The biggest girth I have ever seen on a musky. Has anyone else noticed the ones with more girth have more fight and leap alot more?

Nice job on getting one on a fly rod! Probably well worth sacrificing your drag discs! Gives you a good excuse to go buy a new one! Can't wait to see the pics. Good luck next time you head out.
let't try this again. last time image was still too big.
Nice report and pic. Thank you for sharing.

Good Fishing, Kayote
Nice fish! What pattern were you using on the flyrod?

[Smile]Nice pics! How long did it take to bring in on a fly? That had to have been fun! Al
[size 1][#0080ff]Nice fish! What pattern were you using on the flyrod?[/#0080ff] [/size]

[size 1]Not so sure you can call it a pattern. It is a large rubber skirt somewhat similar to what you might put on a spinner bait and a treble. That was it. I have also tried some large rabbit fur streamers but the rubber skirt did the trick.[/size]

[size 1]As for how long it took to bring it in. It felt like forever but it really probably was under 5 minutes. The fish was going nuts the entire time until I finally tailed him. I just lucked out and grabbed him just right the first time he came in close. I think I actually had a harder time on one of the ones on my spinning rod earlier that morning. Either way all swam away on there own with plenty of fight still left in them. I did not have to do any reviving since I didn't ever pull them out of water.[/size]

[size 1]It was just a great morning. Right place at the right time. I still don't feel like I know what the hell I am doing. "Better to be lucky than good!"[/size]

[size 1]tightline[/size]
Those rubber skirts are not light. I bet they whistled pretty good while casting! I'm guessing you were using a stouter flyrod, in the 7-10 wgt class? I don't know why I'm asking all these questions for, I still haven't caught my first Utah Lake Largemouth on my flyrod yet. I'm sure enjoying the practice!

I can catchthe LM Bass at Utah Lake on Senkos and Jig-n-Pigs, just haven't quite got the presentation down with the flyrod yet. I even put some crawdad scent on my flies. I've been using crawdad patterns and big wolley buggers mostly. I've attached a pic of my warmwater patterns I use in case you or anyone else is interested.

Keep up the good fishing!

Tightline , Congrats on the muskie . Nice fish . That was me at the narrows . I only got about 3 hours of sleep but it was a lot better than last weekend . Where did you go to fish ? I should be trying flies . I broke my 7 wt at the berry about 6 years ago and haven't tried fly fishing since . I got a 6 wt now , I wonder if it would hold up . Or maybe I should get a 9 wt. rod . Do you got a scanner ? I would love to see that fly .
Nice fish tightline, how much do you think it weighed. WH2
I was using an 8 weight. The hardest part is casting because in most places along the shore you don't have much of a back cast area.

If you want to see exactly what I was using PM me and I will give you all the details. I went out last night and caught nothing and then hooked another one this morning before work but lost it. So I don't have it totally figured out. I think it is still %90 luck and persistance %10 skill.

I have no idea what it weighed never weighed any of the muskies I have caught. This is the first one I have caught that had that kind of girth to it. It was very thick.
I had a friend who used to love fishing the musk @ Pineview. He used a rubber mouse, you know the ones that whistle and have a bell inside them. When he threw it out it would skip across the top of the water and squeek and rattle until it settled in then rip it back towards the boat. He was a catch and release guy and relly successful with that set up. Sound funny but worked.
You must have an idea how long it was, two feet, three feet, it is a nice fish no matter. WH2
I was able to get a measurement out of two that day. One was 38" and the one in the pic about 45" The third was probaly around 43" but I didn't really get anything on him. I have a mark on my rod at 36" and at 42" and that is how I gage them. The mouse thing sounds fun. I haven't caught one on the surface I gave up on that after many hours of just beating the water, I obviously don't have a clue what I am duing in that style of presentation. If someone is willing to drag along another guy I would love to see how to pick them up on top. I know they are supposed to start keying in on top water activity this time of year. I have thrown all kinds of topwater stuff and haven't had any success though.