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Full Version: Come on Payday!
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I recently got hired at Lowe's, lucky for me in this economy. My first pay day is Friday, and I gotta get some new line. Then I will be able to fish! Look out Largies, I'm coming!
Good lick with the new job! Hopefully you make enough money you can start saving up for your first boat!
Congrats on the new job. Hope you end up liking it. Let us know how your first day goes with that new line. Good luck.
Well, hopefully that day will end with a couple of 3+lb largies hookin the shaky heads ill be throwin. lol
PLEASE, PLEASE, don't get caught up in the sex scandals that happen there. I have had several friends here in UT work there(3 different stores) and it seemed like there was a huge push to sleep with everyone that worked in the building. No joke. lol
Good luck, hopefully it works out good for you.[cool]
TONIGHT on NBC "Lowes and its sex scandal, whats in it for you". LMAO sorry i just had to do it.
Dude if I wasn't happily in love with the most amazing girl in the world, there's definitely a few girls in my store I'd tag. Just a few, because a lot of them are old lol. There's only 5 or 6 girls around my age. But I'm just saying that hypothetically. I do not sit around thinking about the girls in my store lol. I'm happy with my girlfriend. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with her.
What's wrong with old girls? They're much more experienced! lol jk.
Sex scandal??? Either I missed something or I need to look for a job at Lowe's on the weekends [Smile]. I have a friend of a friend that works at Lowe's, she is smokin' hot! Perhaps I should apply for a job, extra money for fishing of course...
Hahahahahahahahaha. I must say, I hate the job they gave me, but I am glad to have a job. I worked as a maintenance man for 3 years for my town. I applied at Lowe's to escape that. So they made a me a f***in' maintenance man. I wasn't happy.

But there's a difference between experienced and old. I don't want to tag something that's dusty.

My buddy applied and got an interview there, and was interviewing along with apparently a smokin hottie. But they offered him almost a dollar less than he makes now at autozone, so he declined., or.......Wink

I haven't gotten my line yet. Amenities for the girlfriend come first. I do have a spare baitcast spooled up...maybe I'll just put that on. lol.