Well I made it back from Afghanistan late on the 19th and finally got a chance to go fishing this morning (22nd). Caught this monster......8 lb 7 oz.....cant beat this one that is for sure. Glad I made it back in time for this "fishing trip"
Hope to see some of you guys on the water/river soooooon!!!!
Welcome home, Congrats to both of you on the new addition and thanks for everything you have sacrificed in your life to serve Our Country.[
Glad to have you back home safe and sound.
I like your big catch, very cute baby.
Thanks for all you have done for us
BTW, may I ask which water you were fishing on, and what kind of bait did you use?
i think the bait was coors lite and one hour of fre time for the misses from the other little one! congrats bro!
CONGRATS !!! Catch of a life time there [
Welcome home!!! Way cute baby. Glad he waited for you to come home!!
Nice Catch. I guess there is not much fishing in Afganistan. My Son is in Iraq and I asked him if he was getting any fishing in and he just laughed. Thanks for your service and I wish you many more great catches.
thanks for all you do !!!
Welcome home!!!
what perfect timing on everyones part. Congrats on the beautiful baby. bet you can't wait to teach him all you know about fishing. thanks for your service.
Congratulations and welcome home. Thanks for serving our country.
Hey Trout_Slayer
Welcome home Thank you for your service !!!!
Now as far as the new catch, I know you said you only do C&R, but I think you had better keep this one you have a True Trophy there way to go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks again for your service GO - USA
Glad to see ya back healthy and with the wonderful addition to the family. Looking forward to exchanges of meaningful fishing info. and experiences. I have no glib comments to offer. Am trying to recover from witnessing an episode with my boy who returned from Irage several years ago and had some real bad stuff happen. We went on a round robin trip to visit all the relatives and while at my son's ranch near Guffey, he experienced a loss of a close friend and well to briefly state it drove him to a PTS episode which I had to sit through listening to the "REAL" stuff that was over "there." for about 5 hrs before I got him "down". Problem is, he's still
and hurting and now I am. I'll get over it since I'm older than dirt and didn't experience it. But I'm worried about him.[frown][frown]
Sorry Bud. just thought you might understand and I had to vent. Good fishing to ya.[
Hey Koch glad to see you made it back just in time. That wasn't a very long of a deployment. Well I'll be back in Jan from Korea. See ya then.
Welcome back and congratulations! Thank you for your service from me and my entire family. You are appreciated!
Welcome home Koch. Congratulations, sure am glad you made it home in time & in one piece. As a lot of others have said, THANKS!!
im stoked he has the same initials as me!!! what timing.... first you make it back from the hell hole, your son is born, your little girl is growing fast, and your brother is your neighbor... wow.... is that all good?!
Without Men and Women like you, we wouldn't have the freedom to fish.
Thank you for your service!
Congrats on the "catch".
Thanks to everyone with the responses!!! Leaky, I know what you are going through. The day my son was born (yesterday) I found out I lost a really good friend to cancer. I guess it is that "life cycle" I keep hearing about!!! Your son will be alright, keep him fishing and his mind off of the horrible things that he witnessed. Guffey?? Colorado??? By Eleven Mile Reservoir????