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Hi Guys,

I have an older Pontoon boat that I don't have a receipt for. I just bought a trolling motor for it so now I need to register it but I don't know where to begin. I don't really want to take the whole thing down to the DMV but I will if I need to. Any hints would be appreciated.
[#ff0000]Just go down there (DMV) and tell them you have an older non-titled water craft, pontoon boat, that you want to put an electric motor on. They will set you up with a lighter wallet and a coupla stickers. They tax you at 1.5% of it's value with about a $500.00 minimum value limit, at least for my 35 year old row boat, plus the registration sticker. Not sure about a pontoon boat but for my little tin can it's $18-$20. [/#ff0000]

I am in the same boat (no pun intended) I have just been illegal so far and avoided taking my motor when going to waters like the berry. Let me know when you figure it out. If it was easy and I could just do it over the phone I would do it today. It is not the money it is the time and effort it seems to take to get anything done with the state.

Hey, I resemble that remark.[Wink] Getting anything done in a state office takes so long because we have to finish reading all of the posts here at B.F.T. before we can help anyone.

Just kidding. I'm a computer geek for Workforce Services. They won't let me around the "normal" people.[Tongue]

I can understand your frustration. I grew up in Utah county. I've stood in line in the Provo DMV.

Here in Roosevelt, there are only 2 employees in the MV office. I think the longest I've waited was about 5 minutes. Big difference from the big cities. The advantages of living out here just keep piling up. Good luck.
If I remember right a craft under 9' and a motor under 15 hp does not need to be registered. I will look for the link stating that though, I remember seeing that in the boaters law or something.
Well I was close, here is a link to Utah boating registration laws.

[url ""][/url]
I have seen people on canoes with electric trolling motors get cited for not having the proper tags. I believe even a float tube powered by a small trolling motor falls under the category of a motorboat according to Utah law. I went ahead and got my Achilles inflatable raft registered because I use a motor on it once in a while.

pretty interesting all the paper work when you look at that link. My boat is only 2 years old but I can guarantee you it does not have any kind of number on it anywhere and I have 0 paperwork. I guess I will go in and see what they say.

Ok guys here's the scoop. I took the pontoon down today with the motor. I have no paperwork so I just went to the DMV and a really nice girl helped me out. She came out and inspected the boat. She gave me a VIN# that I will have to etch into the frame or seat and then I got me Utah Registration Number that must be in 3 inch block letters (I'll have to purchase those myself) I got the sticker and the whole thing only cost 18 bucks. Hint: Don't go to the DMV the first Monday of the month. I went yesterday and it was about an hour wait. Today same time took about 10 minutes.
There is still hope in the world!!![Smile]
[#ff0000]Next year will be easier. Keep your address current and they will mail you a renewal notice to send the check back in the mail. [/#ff0000]