Fishing Forum

Full Version: Dropshot, Chickamauga, Bass (Supposed), 10-22-09, Solo
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<br /> I headed back to the Chick after work to hunt the schoolers. Got to the Chickamauga dam ramp and unloaded the boat. While doing this, I noticed some people on Jet-Skis ignoring the no-wake sign, but proceeded. After I backed the boat off the trailer I pulled it up to the dock and tied it off. As I started to walk and pull the truck off the ramp I noticed the large waves and bent down to keep the boat from smacking the side of the dock. Big I put my weight forward, the boat gave and I went in the water head first, clothes, shoes, wallet, and all. As I went in I turned myself and got back to the side of the dock, where the first thing I thought of was how cold the water was as I held on to the tie down. I kept thinking of pulling my shoes off and swimming up to the ramp, and just getting up and walking out of the water. Three guys in a Stratos F and S that had just loaded as I arrived, one named Hoyt, and the other Ray, had seen me fall in and was kind enough to drag my rear onto the dock. I sat their for a few minutes getting my wits, while Hoyt was kind enough to back the truck back in so I could load without getting my seats wet. I then loaded up, stripped down and drove home in my rainsuit.<br /> I learned a valuable lesson...always keep focus on what you are doing when you are near the water.