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So I been slowly changing over to furled leaders on all
my lines.
Floating, interm, full sink...........
I don't think that I will ever use anything alse. Those
things are awesome. No memory at all. Great turn over.
Looks like they will outlive any reg. leader like 20x. Super
easy to put tippet on and more...............
What is your opinion about those ?

love em.. ever since FG sent me a few to play I tried it a little bit.. went back to fluro and back to furled.. got sold on the furled when I got things so knotted up I cut off the tippet and part of the leader.. I tied a perfection loop in the end of the leader.. added more tippet and continued fishing.. :-)

MacFly [cool]
I have been using the ones that have the small ring
at the end where you would ty a tippet.
I really like the ring. It is so easy to add or replace

the ones from FG now have that.. her early ones didnt.. but it was not that hard to tie a perfection loop on that end and keep on fishing.. LOL...

MacFly [cool]
It is all I use, but got to admit, only on floating line.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]The tippet ring sure makes it nice easy to tie in a tippet. I use the 2mm ring. Darn little buggers are expensive. Like 35 cents a copy, but they're worth the price. [/size][/#008000][/font]
You should try it on sinking and interm. lines as well.[Smile]
The nonfloating lines I use the all mono furled leaders.
It works great.

Sorry, had to leave for a minute, anyway...on sinking lines Presentation is not an issue. Furled leaders are made for Presentation.
I use straight Fluoro in 3' to 6' lengths on my sinking.
Throw me a bone here, what is a furled leader?
so on your sinking lines you use fluro leaders??

MacFly [cool]
furled leader on sinking line-more durable
- easy to replace tippet
-better turn over
-no memory
And the cost is just like normal old school leader, $5.00
from my secret place.[Smile]
Just remember-YOU the one that got me hooked on those.[Smile] And I never looked back. Thank you.

Oh Its YOU the rude a$$.
why dont you go back to that hole you came out of.
[quote peter805]furled leader on sinking line-more durable
- easy to replace tippet
-better turn over
-no memory
And the cost is just like normal old school leader, $5.00
from my secret place.[Smile]
Just remember-YOU the one that got me hooked on those.[Smile] And I never looked back. Thank you.


Okay #1...I don't need to replace tippet as that is all I use.
#2...Turn over? On a sinking fly? No turn over
#3, No memory in 5' or 6' of P-Line 4, 6, or 8 lb Fluorocarbon

Now with a floating line, whether it be Dry Fly or Nymphing....Furled all the way

Fish... a furled leader is several strands of thread, mono, or even rope.
I do it on a 7' board with pegs placed at different lengths.
I may do 7 wraps on the first, 5 on the second and 3 on the last.
On the other side of the V the pegs are stagard but same formulas of wraps - which means you end up with a taper of 14 -12 -19 -8 -6.
You spin both sides of the V the same direction till it shrinks 10% of over all length. You then connect the two sides with weight on the bottom to make ONE. let it free spin the other direction.

Allot of ropes are furled.

With thread, you end up with a very limp leader that you can cast by its self.

A leader that will last MUCH longer than conventional. Treat it with floatant for dries, Xink for nymphs.

I make them in all weight classes in 5', 5 1/2', & 6'

With two size tippet rings or a shorb loop (a loop built in the furled leader material)
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]Be nice Peter - we like to treat everyone who visits/posts on the Fly Forum with respect.[/size][/#008000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]I like to use waxed Uni-thread 6/0 for 5 - 6wt lines and 8/0 for 2 - 4 lines. 6/0 has a pull weight of 8 lbs. Have yet to test the 8/0 leader. Below is one type of jig set up. I prefer to use 1/4" dowels instead of broom stick stock.[/size][/#008000][/font]
[inline Furl1a.gif]
Dryrod wrote:[/quote]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][/font][#008000][/#008000][size 3][/size][img][url "http:///"][/url]Be"][/img]Be[/url] nice Peter - we like to treat everyone who visits/posts on the Fly Forum with respect.[/i][/size][/font][/quote]

Couple mounts back that guy attacked me on tubing forum for no good reason at all.
So, now I'm just giving him the same kinda "respect"


[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]So be it.[/size][/#008000][/font]