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My dad and I fished below American Falls Res. today. It was slow. The water wasn't as low as I thought it would be. We each caught 1 and my dad landed one that was 24 inches with a 14.5 inch girth. I hooked into one that ran me to my backing twice. I fought him for almost 5 minutes before he got into some rocks and my fly got stuck on a rock. It was the biggest fish ever on the end of my line. I never did see the fish. Maybe next time.
Nice looking fish!
Beautiful fish!
Mind if I ask what flies you were using?
My fish was on an olive beadhead woolly bugger with a split shot about 8 inches up. Dad's was on a small california leach looking patter that was also olive.
Healthy looking fish - very nice!!
Did you have a boat, or were you just wading? How is the current in that area?
We were wading. The current wasn't bad where we were at but you had to be carefull jumping from rock to rock.
Right on Super.....the name fits.!!!!!!
Great looking fish!
Excellent fish! I always have to warn anyone I hear fishing down there that it can be very dangerous. My Wifes Uncle died a few years ago down there. He was just wading around and stepped off of a ledge. His waders filled up with water and he was gone. So anybody who goes down in that section be careful.

Very true. One wrong step and it may be your last. I know a guy who fell in a few years ago. He made it out but all his gear is at the bottom of the whole. I took my wife one year to this spot and it scared her pretty good.
On that size water I am on the careful side and think that it is wise to wear a floatation vest. I figure that I am more likely to get a dunking in the river than in my float tube. Besides I am kind of on the light side and can't hardly wade above my knees and stay grounded.

The real reason I wear chest high waders is so that my backside doesn't get soaked when I land on it, which is frequently!!!! [shocked] My wading style is not stealthy.[sly]
My dad and I went fishing to the same spot today. The water was actually a little higher than it was last week. It was also freezing cold. Our eyelets on the fly rods were icing up. We fished about 3 hours until our hands were frozen solid. Dad landed 1 about 18 inches. I landed 2. One was 21 inches with a 13 inch girth and the last was 22 inches with a 13.5 inch girth. The both fought really hard. It is too bad it closes after Saturday.
Great Report , I wonder why most of the river is opened year round and this strech closes so early ? Curt G.
Wow! Those are some fat fish. They look just like the ones you get in the reservoir. I have only ice fished it, but every trout I have ever caught out of there was thick like that.

They close it during those months to protect browns spawning in the fall that stack up below the dam and then the rainbows and bass that do the same in the early spring. The 2 mile stretch of the henry's fork below Ashton dam does the same thing in the winter months.
Nice fish - they are almost wider than long! If they put those sides to the current, it is amazing that you got them in!
Thanks for the information . I have never caught a Brown in that part of the river . I wish they would close the first mile below PaliSades . When they opened that up they killed a lot of big spawners . Curt G.
NIce fish. I caught a few above American falls res last weekend. Nothing as big as yours, but they were fat like yours.

Curt69, as far as PaliSades, I agree somewhat on the fhe area below the dam was great fishing, but since they drop the water levels so low now for winter, there are not many fish that stay in that area now. We walked across the river right below the damn and only a few white fish were around. I think it is just to shallow for the big fish to want to be there now.
Nice Rainbows!
I have caught some nice fish up there on that section as well.
Here is a pic of a six pound Bow caught on a 3" Maniac Minnow.
Nice fish Maniac. I don't think I have ever caught a "small" trout through the Amarican Falls area. The fish tend to be shaped like footballs.