Does anybody know if there are actual maps of our local wma's? Either off the net or printed versions? More speciafically our local marshes. Ogden Bay, Howards Slough, Harold S Crane........
this link half way down are maps of some, not sure about other maps? I remeber finding one on the internet for farmington and for ogden bay,
My brother gave me a book he perchased at the DWR office in springville called 'Access to Wildlife Lands in Utah'. It was published in 2002 and lists all the WMA's in Utah including the ones you've mentioned. There's one page for each WMA. The top half of the page is a good map with the WMA borders shaded in, and the bottom half has information on lay of the land, location, access, what animals you can hunt, what fish you can fish for, boat launch etc., and restrictions for vehicles and winter access. It's a cool book, there's 130 or so WMA's in there.
Awsome!! Thanks guys. Tons of help there. How bout this weather we're finally gettin? Anybody headin to the swamps this weekend?
Headed to WY. elk hunting in the A.M. Should be fun in this storm.
You lucky man you. I have to wait until December for my cow hunt. Hopefully that will be my first elk.
This storm should hopefully make for a great hunt for everybody. May not be too much fun, but should help out a bit. Im debating on whether to head up to the Bear or maybe out to Howards Slough
Buy the book mentioned above, it's $10 and well worth it. [cool]
It's actually the wife who has the tag, we spent a week there in Sept. during the archery hunt, and she wasn't able to fill her tag then, although she did take a cow here in Utah the 1st evening of the archery hunt. I'm hoping we can find her a decent bull with only a couple days left to hunt.